agfge Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
agfge English → Japanese
Original Text

What day to do think you will be flying in to Honolulu?

It would be nice to have you stay longer and fly to our island and stay at least 3-4 nights and enjoy the “real” Hawaii.

Let me know and I can rent a condo that we can all stay in in Waikaloa.

If you decide to stay only in Honolulu for a week, a large condo with several bedrooms is the best since hotels can be very expensive during the summer.

Maybe Hiromi has some ideas and can help since he lives there.

You should email him about your plans. His email is ××

I told my mom about the wedding and she is looking forward to seeing you and was very happy about the news.

Does Miyuki have someone in the hotel guiding her through the preparations?










agfge English → Japanese
Original Text

Times changed

Beginning in the early 2000s, instead of selling your car to afford hardware, you could sell a coffee table and afford it. Over the past 15 years, many costs associated with building products – servers, databases, all the once-homerolled things that are now available as cheap SaaS products – dropped immensely.

This ushered in an era where startups were lean and could do with $250,000 what a startup in the ’90s could do with $2,500,000. It led to 10 times more products launching, 10 times as fast. It’s been a prosperous and successful era for the Internet. Only a few costs remained high: labor, office space, accounting, legal, marketing, etc.




agfge English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I am looking for a nice les paul historic 59 reissue made 2013 2014 because of the new technique used to make them ie hide glue anyline dye and so forth. If you have some photos That would be good

do you happen to have the inside length of the case?

You say, you can maybe get what I am after...hmmm...that would be so nice since a while I try to buy a BC Rich Warlock Terrance Hobbs Signature.
I am from Brisbane in Queensland Australia,and the dealers here are quite useless and not very helpful, they always try to sell me what they have in stock.
Can you help????


2013年、2014年製のクールな1958レスポール リイシューを探しています。なぜかって新しい技術が使われていて、例えば接着剤にハイドグルーが使われたり、アニリン染めだったりしますからね。
私が欲しがってる物を手にいれられるかもしれないそうですね、ふうむ、それは良いですねえ、なぜってちょっと前からTerrance Hobbsのサイン入りのB.C.リッチ・ワーロックを買おうとしてたんですよ。