Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

To encourage the army with expectation of booty they promised them, beside other gifts, eighteen cities of Italy as colonies — cities which excelled in wealth, in the splendour of their estates and houses, and which were to be divided among them (land, buildings, and all), just as though they had been captured from an enemy in war. The most renowned among these were Capua, Rhegium, Venusia, Beneventum, Nuceria, Ariminum, and Vibo. Thus were the most beautiful parts of Italy marked out for the soldiers. But they decided to destroy their personal enemies beforehand, so that the latter should not interfere with their arrangements while they were carrying on war abroad. Having come to these decisions,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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they reduced them to writing, and Octavian as consul communicated them to the soldiers, all except the list of proscriptions. When the soldiers heard them they applauded and embraced each other in token of mutual reconciliation.While these transactions were taking place many fearful prodigies and portents were observed at Rome. Dogs howled continuously like wolves — a fearful sign. Wolves darted through the forum — an animal unused to the city. Cattle uttered a human voice. A newly born infant spoke. Sweat issued from statues; some even sweated blood. Loud voices of men were heard and the clashing of arms and the tramp of horses where none could be seen. Many fearful signs were observed around the sun,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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that Octavian should resign the consulship and that Ventidius should take it for the remainder of the year; that a new magistracy for quieting the civil dissensions should be created by law, which Lepidus, Antony, and Octavian should hold for five years with consular power (for this name seemed preferable to that of dictator, perhaps because of Antony's decree abolishing the dictatorship); that these three should at once designate the yearly magistrates of the city for the five years; that a distribution of the provinces should be made, giving to Antony the whole of Gaul except the part bordering the Pyrenees Mountains, which was called Old Gaul; this, together with Spain, was assigned to Lepidus;


・この3名は 直ちに5年間のローマ市の司令官を任命すること。
・地方の分配についてはAntonyがOld Gaulと呼ばれるピレネー山脈との境界地域を除くGaul全域、Old GaulとスペインはLepidusに割り当て、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

while Octavian was to have Africa,Sardinia,and Sicily, and the other islands in the vicinity thereof.Thus was the dominion of the Romans divided by the triumvirate among themselves. Only the assignment of the parts beyond the Adriatic was postponed, since these were still under the control of Brutus and Cassius, against whom Antony and Octavian were to wage war. Lepidus was to be consul the following year and to remain in the city to do what was needful there, meanwhile governing Spain by proxy. He was to retain three of his legions to guard the city, and to divide the other seven between Octavian and Antony, three to the former and four to the latter, so that each of them might lead twenty legions to the war.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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Although they foresaw that such a reconciliation would not be for their advantage or for that of the country, but would be merely an assistance to Octavian against Brutus and Cassius, nevertheless, they gave their approval and assent to it as a matter of necessity. So the decrees declaring Antony and Lepidus, and the soldiers under them, public enemies, were repealed, and others of a peaceful nature wereº sent to them. Thereupon Octavian wrote and congratulated them, and he promised to lend assistance to Antony against Decimus Brutus if he needed it. They replied to him at once in a friendly spirit and eulogized him. Antony wrote that he would himself punish Decimus on Caesar's account and Plancus on his own,


元老院は、そのような和解で自分たちや国の有利にならないことを見越していたにもかかわらず、BrutusとCassiusに対抗するOctavianの助けになるためだけに賛同し、必要なこととして同意した。そこでAntonyとLepidus、彼らの指揮下にある兵士を国家の敵とした宣言は撤回され、別の平和的な性格のものが彼らの下に送られた。それに関してOctavianは手紙を書き、彼らを祝福し、必要があれば Decimus Brutusに対抗するAntonyの手助けをすると約束した。彼らは直ちに友好的に返事を書き、彼に賛辞を送った。Antonyは自分自身で CaesarのためにDecimusを罰し、自分のためにPlancusを罰するのだと書き送った。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and that then he would join forces with Octavian.Such were the letters which they exchanged with each other. While pursuing Decimus,Antony was joined by Asinius Pollio with two legions.Asinius also brought about an arrangement with Plancus, by virtue of which Plancus passed over to Antony with three legions,so that Antony now had much the strongest force.Decimus had ten legions, of whom four, the most experienced in war, had suffered severely from famine and were still enfeebled;while the other six were new levies, still untrained and unaccustomed to their labours, so, as he despaired of fighting,he decided to flee to Marcus Brutus in Macedonia.He retreated not by this side of the Apennines, but toward Ravenna.


そしてAntonyはOctavianの軍と合流しようとも書いた。彼らが交わした手紙の内容はそのようなものだった。Decimusを追っている間、Asinius Pollioの2レギオンがAntonyに合流した。.AsiniusもAntonyがPlancusより3レギオン上回るよう手配した結果、Antonyは最強の軍をもった。Decimusは10レギオン持ち、そのうち4レギオンは最も戦争の経験が豊富だったが飢餓により深刻なダメージを受けて衰弱していた。別の6レギオンの兵は入隊したてで訓練もされておらず、兵役に慣れていなかったため、Decimusは戦はできないものとあきらめた。彼はマケドニアにいるMarcus Brutusのところへ逃げようと決めた。彼はこちらのApennines側ではなくRavennaの方に撤退した。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

But since Octavian was travelling by this route, Decimus proposed another longer and more difficult one — to cross the Rhine and traverse the wild country of barbarian tribes. Thereupon the new levies, bewildered and fatigued, were the first to desert him and join Octavian; after them the four older legions joined Antony, and the auxiliaries did the same, except a body-guard of Gallic horse. Then Decimus allowed those who wished to do so to return to their own p135homes, and, after distributing among them the gold he had with him, proceeded toward the Rhine with 300 followers, the only ones who remained.As it was difficult to cross the river with so few, he was now abandoned by these also except ten.


だがOctavianがこのルートを通って旅をしていたため、DecimusはRhineを渡って野蛮な部族のいる未開の句にを横切る、一層長く困難なルートを提案した。その結果、当惑し疲労した新兵は真っ先にDecimusの軍から脱走し、 Octavian軍に加わった。彼らに続き、古参の4レギオンがAntonyに加わり、 Gallic馬のボディーガードを除いて、予備兵らもその後に続いた。そこでDecimusは自宅に帰りたいという者にはそれを許可し、残ったわずか300名と共にRhineに向かって進んだ。そのような小勢で河を渡るのは難しかったため、それらの兵にも見捨てられ、残ったのは僅か10名となった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Among the Romans this was the method of adoption most in accordance with law in the case of orphans; and those who follow it have the same rights as real sons in respect of the relatives and the freedmen of the persons who adopt them. Among the other splendid accessories of Caesar was a large number of freedmen, many of them rich, and this was perhaps the principal reason why Octavian wanted the adoption by a vote of the people in addition to the former adoption which came to him by Caesar's will.Octavian caused a new law to be passed to repeal the one which declared Dolabella a public enemy, and also to punish the murder of Caesar. Indictments were found forthwith, the friends of Caesar bringing accusations



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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against some for the act and others for guilty knowledge. This last charge was even brought against some who were not in the city when Caesar was killed. One day was fixed by public proclamation for the trial of all, and judgment was taken against all by default, Octavian presiding over the court, and none of the judges voting for acquittal except one patrician, who then escaped with impunity, but a little later was included with the others in the proscription. It appears that about this time Quintus Gallius, a city praetor and brother of Marcus Gallius, who was serving with Antony, asked Octavian for the command of Africa, and having thus got his chance, plotted against Octavian.His colleagues stripped him of


ある者に対してはその行為を、また別の物に対しては犯罪を犯したことを知っていたことを告訴した。この最後の告訴はCaesarが殺害された時に市内にいなかったものに対してもなされた。全員の裁判の日にちが公の宣言によって設定され、すべての欠席裁判に対して判決が行なわれた。Octavianが裁判を仕切り、1人の貴族を除いては無罪判決賛成に投票する判事はいなかった。その貴族はその時は何のおとがめもなく逃げおおせたが、まもんく他の者とともに追放者に加えられた。市のプラエトルでAntonyに仕えていたMarcus Galliusの兄弟のQuintus GalliusがOctavianにアフリカの指揮権を願い出てOctavianに対する陰謀を企んだのはこの頃だったようだ。彼の同僚は

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

his praetorship, the people tore his house down, and the Senate condemned him to death. Octavian ordered him to depart to his brother, and it is said that he took ship and was never seen again.These things accomplished, Octavian formed his plans for a reconciliation with Antony, for he had learned that Brutus and Cassius had already collected twenty legions of soldiers, and he needed Antony's help against them. He moved out of the city toward the Adriatic coast and proceeded in a leisurely way, waiting to see what the Senate would do. Pedius persuaded the senators, after Octavian had taken his departure, not to make their differences with each other irremediable, but to be reconciled to Lepidus and Antony.


Quintus Galliusのプラエトルの職を剥奪し、市民は彼の家を取り壊し、元老院は彼を死罪にした。Octavianは彼に兄弟のところへ立ち去るよう命じ、彼は舟に乗り、その後彼を見たものは誰もいなかったという。これらの事が成し遂げられるとOctavianはAntonyとの和解の計画を作った。それはBrutusとCassiusがすでに兵士20レギオンを徴兵しており、彼らに対抗するためにはAntonyの援助が必要だったからだ。彼は町を出るとアドリア海に向かってゆっくりと進み、元老院がどうするか様子を窺った。Octavianが出発した後、Pediusは、互いに意見を違いを際立たせて取り返しのつかないことになる前にLepidusとAntonyと和解するよう元老院議員らを説得した。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text


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