Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

either because they feared Calvisius, or because they had decided to attack again in the open sea. Thus they remained on either side until midday, when a south wind burst upon them, raising violent billows in that surging and confined channel. Pompeius was then inside the harbour of Messana. The ships of Octavian were again shattered on the rough and inhospitable coast, dashing against the rocks and against each other, for, as they were not fully manned, they were not under good control.Menodorus, apprehending that this rising storm would increase in violence, moved farther seaward and rode at anchor: here, on account of the depth of water, the waves were less boisterous;



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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Octavian's friends advised him to improve this favorable opportunity and attack Pompeius with his fleet,while the latter had so few ships and before the rest of his naval force should arrive.He did not follow this advice,but waited for Calvisius,saying that it was not good policy to run a risk when he was expecting reinforcements.When Demochares arrived at Messana, Pompeius appointed him and Apollophanes admirals in place of Menodorus and Menecrates; and when Octavian heard of his disaster at Cumae he sailed out of the straits to meet Calvisius. After accomplishing the greater part of the distance, and while he was passing Stylis and turning into Scyllaeum, Pompeius darted out of Messana and fell upon his rear,



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pushed on to his front, attacked him all along the line, and challenged him to fight. Although beset in this way, Octavian's fleet did not give battle, since Octavian forbade it, either because he feared to fight in the straits or because he adhered to his first determination not to fight without Calvisius. By his orders, however, all hugged the shore, rode at anchor, and defended themselves with their prows toward the enemy. Demochares, by setting two of his ships by turns against one of the enemy's, threw them into confusion. They dashed against the rocks and against each other, and began to fill with water. And so these ships were lost, like those at Cumae, without striking a blow, being stuck fast and


彼の正面に前進して至る所で攻撃し、戦うよう挑発した。このように四方から攻撃したにもかかわらず、Octavianの艦隊はOctavianが禁じていたため戦わなかった。それはOctavianが海峡で戦うことを恐れており、 Calvisiusなしでは戦わないという最初の決定にこだわっていたためでもあった。しかし彼の命令により、全員海岸に沿って進み、投錨し、船首で敵から身を守った。Democharesが自分の船のうちの2隻で交替で敵の1つに対抗したため、敵は混乱した。敵の船は岩に向かって突進し、あるいはお互いに衝突し、海水が満ちてきた。こうしてこれらの船は一撃も加えることなくCumaeの船同様に破壊され、たちまちお手上げ状態になり、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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battered by the enemy,who had freedom of movement to advance and retreat.Octavian leaped from his ship upon the rocks and pulled out of the water those who swam ashore,and conducted them to the mountain above.However, Cornificius and the other generals who were there, encouraged each other, cut loose from their anchors without awaiting orders,and put to sea against the enemy, thinking that it was better to be conquered fighting than to fall unresisting before the blows of their assailants.First, with wonderful audacity, Cornificius rammed the flag-ship of Demochares and captured it.Demochares leaped upon another vessel.Then, while the struggle and carnage were in progress, Calvisius and Menodorus hove in sight,


前進、後退の動きが自由な敵に完敗した。Octavianは船から岩に飛び降り、騎士に向かって泳いでくる兵士らを海から引き上げ、上の山に連れていった。しかしそこにいたCornificius と他の将軍らは、互いに励まし合い、襲撃者の一撃の前に何も抵抗することなく終わるよりは、戦いながら征服された方がましだと考え、命令を待たずに錨の綱を切り離し、敵に向かって海に出た。まず非常な大胆さでCornificiusは Democharesの旗艦に突進してこれを捕えた。Democharesは別の船に飛び乗った。闘争と大虐殺が進んでいる間にCalvisiusとMenodorusが姿を現わし、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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advancing from the open sea, although they had not been observed by Octavian's men either from the land or the water. The Pompeians, being farther out at sea, beheld them first, and, when they saw them, retreated, and fatigued as they were, they dared not encounter fresh men.This conjuncture happened very opportunely for those who had just now been in difficulties; but at nightfall, those who had reached the shore from the ships took refuge on the mountains and lighted numerous fires as signals to those who were still on the sea, and there passed the night without food, uncared for, and in want of everything. Octavian fared like the rest, and moved around exhorting them to endure their privations till morning.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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Tempting new Apple iOS 7 concept videos emerge

The pressure is increasing on Apple to revamp iOS for iPhones and iPads as competitors -- from Samsung to Microsoft to BlackBerry -- roll out advances, and the Apple faithful have no shortage of ideas for what iOS 7 should include.

Some are hoping Apple will have a new smartphone (iPhone 5S or iPhone 6) to discuss at its Worldwide Developers Conference, expected to take place in June. The departure late last year of iOS chief Scott Forstall in the wake of the Apple Maps fiasco has given rise to hopes that legendary Apple designer Jony Ive will deliver a powerful new iOS in the near future.


魅力的な新 Apple iOS 7のコンセプト動画が出現

Samsung、Microsoft、BlackBerryなどのライバル企業が新製品を公開する中、 AppleのiPhones、iPads改良へのプレッシャーが増していますが、 Appleファンにとっては iOS 7の装備に関する見解に事欠くことはありません。

Appleが6月に開催が予定されている世界開発者会議で議論するために新smartphone (iPhone 5S またはiPhone 6) をローンチすることを望んでいる人もいます。 Apple Maps の失敗を受けて昨年末 iOS開発チーフScott Forstall氏が同社を離れたことで、Appleの伝説のデザイナー Jony Ive氏が近々パワフルな新iOSを作ってくれるのではないかという期待が生まれています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

According to a new report at the Wall Street Journal, Apple’s new management team dynamic, which includes design maven Jonathan Ive at the helm of both the hardware and software teams behind iOS, is seeing a new era of collaboration. ONe source familiar with the matter went so far as to call the exchange of ideas between Ive and human interface lead Greg Christie, known for his bluntness, as “pleasant and cordial.”

Sounds like things are changing over there at Apple, which is a good thing for proponents of Ive’s preference for a less skeumorphic design ethos. Having Ive watching the software along with the hardware may bring a flatter, more modern look to iOS 7, sure to be coming soon.


ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルの報道は、 iOSのハードウェア、ソフトウェア双方を担当する大物デザイナー、ジョナサン・アイブを含めたAppleの力強い新経営陣はコラボレーションの新時代を迎えていると伝えています。消息筋によると、 その無愛想さで知られるヒューマンインターフェースを率いるGreg Christieと「心地よく誠心誠意」アイデアの交換をしようとの呼び掛けさえしているということです。

Appleの状況は変化してきているらしく、skeumorphic(現実世界のモチーフを模倣した)な要素が少ないデザイン が好みのアイブの支持者にとってみればよいことです。アイブがハードウェアと共に担当しているソフトウェアは iOS 7に一層フラットでモダンなデザインをもたらして、まもなく公開されるに違いありません。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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This is a marked contrast from the earlier dynamic between the hardware and software teams, which was widely reported as secretive and somewhat contentious. The WSJ notes that the hardware design team at Apple, led by Ive, would frequently bring in favored software designers under intense secrecy to look at new hardware prototypes.

Now, Ive sits in with the software designers during regular review sessions to discuss current designs, say the sources for the WWSJ report. The human interface team, they say, is getting briefed on new hardware designs much earlier, as well.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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While Apple may not make radical changes to the hardware or software of its incredibly popular iPhone or iPad lines in the near future, we all will benefit from a collaborative approach that brings Ive’s award-winning design sense to the software that runs on the hardware he also designs.

The WSJ also reports that the collaboration between the Mac OS X and iOS software teams under Craig Federighi, another result of the recent management re-organization, is changing a bit more slowly, however. Federighi has mentioned that he plans to keep the different engineering teams separate for now, though there is typically quite a bit of collaboration between the two teams.



しかし、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルは、最近の経営陣の再編成のもう1つの結果であるクレイグ・フェデリギが率いるMac OS Xと iOSのソフトウェアチームのコラボレーションはもう少し緩やかに変化するだろうと述べています。フェデリギは、通常この2つのチームの間でかなりのコラボレーションが行なわれているが、今のところはそれぞれのエンジニアリングチームを分けておく計画だと語りました。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Grappling-irons were thrown by both,and the ships,being fastened together,could no longer manoeuvre,but the men,as in a battle on land,failed not in deeds of valor.As the ship of Menodorus was higher than the other his bridges made a better passage-way for those who ventured on them.Menodorus was pierced in the arm with a dart,which was,however,drawn out. Menecrates was struck in the thigh with a Spanish javelin,made wholly of iron with barbs,which could not be readily extracted.Although Menecrates could no longer take part in the fight,he remained there all the same,encouraging the others,until his ship was captured,when he plunged into the depths of the sea.Menodorus towed the captured ship to the land,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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but was able to do nothing more himself.Thus had fared the left wing of the naval fight. Calvisius directed his course from the right to the left and cut off some of Menecrates' ships from the main body, and when they fled pursued them to the open sea. Demochares, who was a fellow-freedman of Menecrates and his lieutenant, fell upon the remainder of Calvisius' ships, put some of them to flight, broke others in pieces on the rocks, and set fire to them after the crews had abandoned them. Finally Calvisius, returning from the pursuit, led back his own retreating ships and prevented the burning of any more. As night approached all rested in their stations of the previous night.Such was the end of this naval fight,



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in which the forces of Pompeius had much the best of it; but Demochares, grieving over the death of Menecrates as the greatest possible defeat abandoned everything and sailed for Sicily immediately, as though he had lost not merely the body of Menecrates and one ship, but his whole fleet.Calvisius remained at his station, unable to fight in the open sea, for his best ships had been destroyed and the others were unfit for battle. When he learned that his antagonist had gone to Sicily, he repaired his ships and coasted along the shore exploring the bays. Octavian, in the meantime, proceeded from Tarentum to Rhegium, with a large fleet and army, and near Messana came up with Pompeius, who had forty ships only.


この海戦でPompeius軍の方が敵をはるかにしのいでいた。しかしDemocharesは最大の敗北が全てを見捨てたため、Menecratesの死を悔やみ、Menecratesの体や船のみならず彼の全ての艦隊を失ったかのように、直ちにSicilyに船出した。Calvisiusは自分の最高の船が破壊され他の船は戦争には向いていなかったため、公海で戦うことができず駐屯地に残っていた。彼は敵がSicilyに行ったと聞いた時、自分の船を修理し、入り江を探査しながら沿岸沿いを航行した。そうこうするうちにOctavianは大艦隊と大軍を率いてTarentumからRhegiumに進み、Messana 付近で40隻しかもっていなかったPompeiusに追いついた。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

if you need anything that's not on our website please let me know. We stock lots of ukuleles and accessories here at the store.

• A rechargeable lithium battery is built in the body of Swami 4000.
• Insert one end of the USB connection line into the connection port under the back
rubber cover and insert the other end of the line into the AC charger. Then plug the AC
charger into a power outlet.
• It needs 4-5 hours to charge the battery after its power has been drained.
• A Swami 4000 can be used for about 12 hours after charging fully. And it can be still
used for 8 hours when power reduces and the battery symbol shows two bars. When
the battery symbol shows one bar, it is still available for two-hour use.



•Swami 4000本体に内蔵の再充電可能なリチウム電池
• USB接続ケーブルの一方を背面ゴム製カバーの接続ポートに挿入し、もう一方のケーブルをAC充電器に挿入してください。それからAC充電器を電源出力に差し込んでください。
•Swami 4000はフル充電の後、約12時間ご使用になれます。その後電力が減り、バッテリーのマークが2本の棒を示した後、まだ8時間の利用が可能です。バッテリーのマークが1本の棒になっても4時間の使用が可能です。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

He wrote to the city and he told his soldiers that Pompeius had violated the treaty by encouraging piracy, that the pirates had confessed this, that Menodorus had revealed the whole design, and that Antony knew it, and for that reason had refused to give up the Peloponnesus.When all things were in readiness he set sail for Sicily, going himself from Tarentum, while Calvisius Sabinus, and Menodorus sailed from Etruria. The infantry was sent on the march to Rhegium and great haste was displayed in all quarters. Pompeius had scarcely heard of the desertion of Menodorus when Octavian was already moving against him.While the hostile fleets were advancing from both sides, he awaited the attack of Octavian at Messana,


彼は市に手紙を書き、兵士らに対してPompeiusは海賊行為を奨励して条約に違反した、海賊がそれを白状しMenodorusが全計画を暴露した。Antonyはそれを知っているためにPeloponnesusを譲ることを拒んだのだ、と語った。全ての準備が整うと、彼は自身でTarentumからSicilyに向けて出航し、一方Calvisius SabinusとMenodorusはEtruriaから出航した。歩兵隊がRhegiumに向けて進軍し、全ての兵舎で大急ぎで準備が進められた。PompeiusがやっとMenodorusの脱走を知ったのは、Octavianがすでに彼と戦うために移動していた時だった。敵の艦隊が両側から進んできている間、彼はMessanaでOctavianの攻撃を待ち構えた。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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and ordered Menecrates, who of all his freedmen was the bitterest enemy of Menodorus, to advance against Calvisius and Menodorus with a large fleet.This Menecrates then was observed by his enemies near nightfall on the open sea.They retired into the bay near Cumae,where they passed the night, Menecrates proceeding to Aenaria.At day-break they drew up their fleet, in the form of a crescent,as close to the shore as possible,in order to prevent the enemy breaking through them.Menecrates again showed himself,and immediately came on with a rush.As his enemies would not advance to the open sea, and he could do nothing of importance there, he made a charge in order to drive them upon the land. They beached their ships



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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and fought back against the attacking prows.Menecrates had the opportunity to draw off and renew the attack as he pleased,and to bring up fresh ships by turns,while the enemy were distressed by the rocks,on which they had grounded, and by the inability to move.They were like land forces contending against sea forces, unable either to pursue or retreat.In this situation Menodorus and Menecrates came in sight of each other; and, abandoning the rest of the fight, drove at once against each other with fury and shouting, as though they had staked the issue of the battle on this encounter, whichever should be the victor. Their ships came into violent collision, Menodorus losing his prow and Menecrates his oar-blades.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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he did not wait, either because he did not approve of the war, considering it a violation of the treaty, or because he observed Octavian's great preparations (for the desire to be the sole ruler did not permit their fears to slumber at any time), or because he was alarmed by a prodigy. It was found that one of the guards who slept around his tent had been devoured by wild beasts except his face only, as though this had been left for the purpose of recognition, and that he had uttered no cry, nor did any of those who were asleep with him know of it. The Brundusians said that a wolf had been seen just before daybreak running away from the tents. Nevertheless Antony wrote to Octavian not to violate the treaty, and



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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he threatened Menodorus with punishment as his own fugitive slave;for he had been the slave of Pompey the Great,whose property Antony had bought when it was sold under the law of war.Octavian sent officers to receive Sardinia and Corsica,which Menodorus turned over to them.He strengthened the Italian coast with numerous towers to prevent Pompeius from raiding it again.He ordered the building of new triremes at Rome and Ravenna,and he sent for a large army from Illyria.When Menodorus came he made the latter a free citizen instead of a freedman,and put him in command,under the admiral Calvisius,of the ships which he had brought with him. When Menodorus came he made the latter a free citizen instead of a freedman,

