Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

We get hundreds of autographs every year and many different sports and athletes. It is impossible for me to know the signatures of every athlete especially when there is a item with 20, 30 or more autographs. I know maybe 10 signatures for LPGA. Stacy Lewis, Yani Tseng, Paula Creamer, Suzann Pettersen, Ai Miyazato, Morgan Pressel, Lexi Thompson, Michelle Wie, Momoko Ueda, Lydia Ko, and a few others. If you want I can try to identify these signatures.

If you said before buying any flags that I would need to identify all the signatures or there would be no order then I would have said I can't do that and we can't do the order.

I am also very busy and can't take time to research everything.


弊社では毎年、何百としう多くの様々なスポーツやスポーツ選手のサインを購入します。全てのスポーツ選手のサイン、特に20か30、またそれ以上のサインが入っている商品のサインを識別することは私には不可能です。LPGA(米女子プロゴルフツアー)の10人程度のサインなら、分かります。Stacy Lewis、Yani Tseng、 Paula Creamer、Suzann Pettersen、Ai Miyazato、Morgan Pressel、 Lexi Thompson、Michelle Wie、Momoko Ueda、Lydia Ko他数人のサインなどです。ご希望があればこの方たちのサインは識別いたしましょう。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

For your security, we ask that you confirm ownership of your credit card by obtaining the 6-digit approval code received for this transaction. Please call the bank associated with the credit card used on this order for this information. Reply to this email with the approval code to verify ownership of the account. Upon verification, your order will be processed.

Our fax number is 001 253 891 2523.

If you are unable to reach us via email, please contact us via telephone at 001 253 891 2500.

To avoid delays in your order and possible cancellation, please reply by noon Pacific Time on November 8, 2013.

I apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to your response.



弊社ファックス番号は001 253 891 2523です。

メールでのご連絡が不可能な場合は、電話(001 253 891 2500)にてご連絡を頂きますようお願いいたします。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

"Made in prison, inspired by freedom" aptly describes the founding concept of Dutch-based apparel company, Stripes Clothing. The company consists of three founders and one designer living in Rotterdam, all guys in their mid to late 20s who had been looking for a way to fuse their entrepreneurial and creative spirit with a means for spreading awareness of ex-inmates' societal reintegration. Apparel production (and some designs) come from prison inmates and are sold worldwide. The upshot is that inmates earn a profit and production skills in order to build a base for self-sufficiency and job marketability once they've been freed.


「自由にインスパイアされた刑務所で作られたウェア」。オランダに本社を置くアパレルメーカーStripes Clothing(ストライプス・クロージング)はこう、設立コンセプトを巧みに表現している。同社のスタッフは、ロッテルダムで暮らす20代半ばから後半の男性ばかりの3人のファウンダーと1人のデザイナーから構成されており、自社のクリエーティブな起業精神と元受刑者の社会復帰に対する意識の高揚の手段を融合される方法を模索してきた。アパレル製品(といくつかのデザイン)は刑務所の受刑者により製作され、世界中に販売される。目標は、受刑者が利益と生産スキルを獲得し、刑務所出所後の自活と仕事の市場性の基礎を構築することだ。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

This is regarding ABC price problem, I think ABC website had changes in their pricing and they changed it last Sunday. As per excel data that I had attached in this message, as you can see, all the items uploaded since Wed. Oct. 16 until last Sat.Oct.19 the price were still high and it has a 2digit decimal numbers compared to todays price that mostly a whole numbers.
May I know how I can settle this kind of problem Sir? As per checking Amazon website, I can only edit the items that were still in the draft beyond that I think it cannot be edited. Is it okey with you if I will re upload the items that has changes in price?
I am sorry for this, I don't really have the idea that ABC website will change the price.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear mugendai1,

If you don't want it, thats fine, but I'll have to file it with ebay as they charged me nearly $5 in fees, and I want that removed from my account

- aural-sects

Hi mugendai1,

aural-sects recently opened a cancel transaction case for an item you recently purchased: Gerry Anderson Thunderbirds, "Excavator/Mini X Car" - Japanese IMAI model kit.
Reason for cancel transaction request: The seller says that you have purchased the item in error.
Click the "Respond now" button to accept or decline this cancellation.
If you don't take action by Oct-27-2013, the seller will be able to cancel the purchase without your consent.
You can view the case anytime in the Resolution Center.




- aural-sects


aural-sectsさんは最近お客様が購入された商品「ゲリーアンダーソンのサンダーバードExcavator/Mini X Car」について取引キャンセルのケースを開かれました。取引キャンセル要望の理由:このセラーは、お客様が間違えて商品を購入したと述べています。
キャンセルを受け入れる、または拒否する場合には「Respond now」ボタンをクリックしてください。2013年10月27日までにアクションを取らない場合、セラーはお客様の同意なく注文のキャンセルを行なうことができます。