Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The folks over at Diginfo news have a good video demonstration of the application (see below), showing the various modes available. If you input your destination, you can use the AR view to see your destination overlaid on a live camera view. If you happen to be lost, you can also send your current location to your friends, as a sort of mobile SOS for them to help you out. The app also lets you search for nearby points of interests, like cafes or restaurants.

The company behind the app, Crossfader, has very diplomatically allowed users to switch between Apple’s own maps solution and Google Maps for the map display.


Diginfo newsを見ている諸君はこのアプリのよくできたビデオデモを見ることが出来(下のビデオ参照)、利用可能な様々なモードを示してくれている。ユーザーが目的地を入力すると、ライブカメラ上で重ね撮りされた目的地をARビューを使って見ることができる。もし道に迷ってしまったら、友人に助けてもらうために一種のSOSとして、自分の現在地を送信することも可能だ。また、喫茶店やレストランなど付近の関心のあるポイントの検索もしてくれる。

このアプリを支援している企業Crossfaderには、Appleの地図ソリューションと地図表示用のGoogle Maps間を切り替える、非常に外交的な利用を許されたユーザーがいる。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

So far, this hybrid distribution strategy has worked in Japan. Many old feature phone hits, which are technically limited by nature, have been simply ported to smartphone browsers, especially in the early days of iOS and Android. I have even seen quick and dirty ports of games where users are still told to “press a key” to skip a cut scene. Japanese users seem to be OK with this so far.

So far, DeNA has resisted to the urge to offer web-based games internationally to circumvent the Apple and Android ecosystems.

But now GREE announced it is trying to do exactly that, via an “expansion of the HTML5 compatibility of the GREE platform” that’s supposed to start this month.


これまでのところ、ハイブリッド分配作戦は日本ではうまくいっている。多くの技術上の制約のある古いフィーチャーフォンはヒットしており、特に初期のiOS Androidではスマートフォンブラウザーを移植してきた。ユーザーがカットシーンをスキップするのに「キーを押してください」と指示される安くて質の悪いゲームも見てきた。今のところ日本のユーザーはそれで満足しているようだ。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

・Hybrid distribution means that GREE will offer users and developers two destinations. This is neither a clear nor a sustainable value proposition. There are some games in Japan, i.e. Dragon Collection from Konami, which have both a browser and an app version at the same time: what’s the benefit for the user – or the developer – here?

・There is no other platform in the US or Europe that has been successful with such a (or similar) strategy. GREE would be the first to “crack” the distribution duopoly of Apple and Google. The question is if this is realistic scenario. And GREE apparently still doesn’t want to integrate Facebook, while DeNA caved in months ago.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

How GREE fits into SingTel’s plans for world domination, and vice versa

GREE, a leading mobile social gaming company in Japan, has just announced a partnership with SingTel to distribute its games in Singapore. In addition, SingTel will offer direct carrier billing for these titles. This sort of partnership is a first for GREE outside Japan.

The deal makes a lot of sense for both companies.

SingTel, as one of the largest telcos in the world, holds the key to the rest of Asia. It has 462 million mobile users as of last year, spread out across 8 countries, including Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. It owns, or partially owns, a telco in each of these markets.



日本をリードするソーシャルゲーム会社GREEはシンガポールで自社のゲームを流通させるためにSingTel を提携するとついさきほど発表した。SingTelはGREEのゲームに対しキャリア直接決済を提供する。この種の提携はGREEにとっては海外で初めてだ。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

GREE, which has ambitions to become a prominent mobile social games entity outside of Japan, it is certainly motivated to make its Singapore partnership work. The choice of Singapore as a test market is a curious one, as Willis Wee from TechinAsia points out, since it only has 5 million inhabitants.

But according to a GREE spokesperson, Singapore has ubiquitous smartphone penetration and high average revenue per user (ARPU), due to their willingness to purchase digital content.

I must also note that GREE’s recent push into HTML5 games ties in well with its SingTel partnership, due to the diversity of mobile phone ecosystems in the region.


外で傑出したモバイルソーシャルゲーム法人になる大望をもつGREEはシンガポールでの提携関係がうまくいき、意気揚々としているに違いない。TechinAsiaのWillis Wee氏が指摘しているように、人口わずか500万のこの国を実験市場として選んだことは面白い。

