PMOKPMOK producers are eclectic. Almost 50% of PMOK producers describe their style as electronica. Almost 40% produce soundtracks, though, and over 30% mainly rock music. Of course, it’s possible that some of these people produce music in multiple genres.Version 6 2013-07-08Most PMOK users see themselves as either a Composer/Songwriter or Producer.Over 25% of PMOK producers are professionals, and almost 40% earn some money from their music.Of all three brands, PMOK has the highest percentage of experts – almost 30%, compared to about 15% for the other two product brands.Most live in the USA, with a significant number also living in Germany and the UK.
PMOKPMOKのプロデューサーは幅広い経験を持ちます。PMOKのプロデューサーの半数近くは、自らのスタイルをエレクトロニック的だと評しています。4割近くはサウンドトラックを作曲し、3割以上は主にロック音楽を作曲しています。もちろん、これらの中には複数の音楽ジャンルに亘って創作活動を行なっている可能性があります。バージョン6 2013年7月8日大半のPMOKユーザーは、自身を作曲家/ソングライター、またはプロデューサーと見ています。PMOKのプロデューサーの25%以上がプロで、4割近くは音楽で収入を得ています。3つのブランド全ての中で最も専門家の割合が多いのがPMOKで他の2つの製品ブランドではプロの割合は15%であるのに比べ、PMOKの場合は3割近くがプロの音楽家です。ユーザーの大半はアメリカ合衆国居住者ですが、ドイツ、イギリス居住者もかなりいます。
HCSAMHCSAM producers create mainly EDM (45%) or hip hop/R&B (40%). Urban music is much more popular in the US than in Europe and EDM is much more popular in Europe than the US, though the latest trend in the US shows that EDM is getting more and more popular.Urban/hip hop producers mostly use HCSAM as their central and main production instrument before finalizing the song (incl. Vocal recordings) in another 3rd party DAW. These producers are very interested in additional sounds, and the range of HCSAM EXPANSIONS is designed to meet this need. As producers, HCSAM users are also interested in PMOK Instruments and Effects.
HCSAMHCSAMのプロデューサーは主にEDM(45%)、ヒップホップとR&B (40%)を創作しています。アーバンミュージックの人気はヨーロッパよりもアメリカの方がはるかに高くいのですが、最近の傾向を見ると、アメリカ国内でもEDMの人気が次第に高まっています。アーバンミュージックやヒップホップのプロデューサーの大半は、別の第三者DAW(デジタルオーディオワークステーション)で(ボーカルの録音を含む)仕上げをする前に、HCSAMを主要な作曲ツールとして使用しています。このようなプロデューサーは、付加的なサウンドにも強い関心を持っているため、HCSAM EXPANSIONS はこのようなユーザーのニーズに応えられるよう設計されています。HCSAMのユーザーはプロデューサーとして、PMOKのツールとエフェクトにも興味を持っています。
They’re active online, frequently visiting music tech company websites, online forums, and blogs. Popular sites include:,,, and computermusic.comElectronic dance music producers use HCSAM mostly in combination with other 3rd party studio soft- and hardware. HCSAM is often used as an additional instrument as a plug-in inside a DAW (like Ableton, Logic, Cubase), and not in stand-alone mode as an independent instrument.70% of HCSAM producers describe themselves as advanced or expert users.Popular sites include:,,,,
2. Tone and style of communicationOur readers/customers are looking for new ways to make music. They want to buy music equipment, either from EVITAN or our competitors. They want to buy products that are exciting, inspiring, and useful, so it’s our job to demonstrate just how exciting, inspiring, and useful our products are. People want to buy cool products, not dull products.Version 6 2013-07-08Our customers also want easy-to-use products that don’t get in the way of making music. And they expect almost instant results – we need to describe and promote our products without making them sound too complicated.
2.トーンとコミュニケーションスタイル弊社の読者、顧客は新たな音楽制作の方法を模索しており、EVITANあるいは弊社の競合会社の音楽機材の購入を希望しています。ユーザーが購入を望むのは刺激的、感動的で便利な製品です。そこで弊社製品がいかに私的的、感動的で便利かを示すのが我々の仕事だと考えています。人々が求めるのは粗悪な製品ではなく、素晴らしい製品なのです。バージョン6 2013年7月8日また弊社の顧客は音楽制作の妨げとならない扱いやすい製品も求めており、即効性のある製品を希望しています。そこで弊社は操作が面倒であるように思われないよう、製品説明をし、宣伝する必要があります。
Our primary goals are to create excitement and convey accurate information about products and services. We present our products in a bold, confident and clear way. We explain the products, because many of our releases are comply new ideas. We focus on how the customer will benefit from using our products and the impact they will have on their music-making or DJing. We differentiate clearly between products, to help potential customers decide what to buy.Special note for German: Form of address
弊社の第一目標は、刺激を創りだし、製品とサービスに関する正確な情報を伝えることです。弊社は自社製品を大胆かつ自信をもって明確に紹介しております。弊社の多くの製品は新規のアイデアを取り入れているため、製品の説明をしています。弊社が力を入れているのは、弊社製品を使用することにより顧客が得る恩恵や、音楽制作、DJをする上での効果です。製品の差異化を明確にすることで、将来の顧客の製品選びの一助となるでしょう。ドイツのユーザーの方へ 敬称について
EPIC REDEFINED KITSAdd thundering percussion to your productions with the full-force sound of QUANTUM DAMAGE – epic, earth-shattering drums.QUANTUM DAMAGE contains an array of specially-treated, high-tension kicks, snares, and hi-hats for devastating impact. Create tense, razor-sharp beats with an inspiring selection of cinematic and industrial drums and short percussive samples. You also get long-decaying effect sounds, giving you the expansive, brooding sound of cinematic sequences and film scores.Get SUPERCHARGER GT now for $ 49 / 49 € / £42 / ¥ 4,800 at the NI Online Shop.
EPIC REDEFINED KITS QUANTUM DAMAGE の地を揺るがすドラムの大迫力サウンドで、あなたの作品に迫力のあるパーカッションを加えてください。QUANTUM DAMAGE には破壊力のあるインパクトを与えるための特殊加工を施したハイテンションキック、スネア、ハイハット等々が含まれています。映画用、商業用のドラム、短い打楽器の息を飲むような選りすぐりのサンプルの中から緊張感のある剃刀のように鋭いビートを創り出してください。また、長時間崩れ落ちるような効果音も得られますので、映画のシーケンスや映画音楽の暗く、広がるようなサウンドを創りだすことができます。今ならNI オンラインショップでSUPERCHARGER GT が49ドル/49ユーロ/42ポンド/4800円でお求めになれます。
EBAI'm very disappointed to find out that it is not possible to put the camera in English language. It is only in Japanese!!!Please when you sell on Ebay, do put this on the description because you are now misleading while the camera has English words on it and you are selling in English language where you should probably sell in Japan only.The high cost of return are keeping me from returning the camera to you. Sad.
namimailI recently purchased something from you on (I bought the "Deleter Comic Book Paper"). Because I was extremely impressed by your services, and saw that you sell quite a lot of nice Japanese products, I started browsing through your selling inventory and found the book "Manga Techniques: Drawing Manga for Advanced Learners" and really wanted to buy it. However, unfortunately, it's no longer available? Is there a reason for this?
namimail最近 のあなたの店で商品を購入しました(Deleter Comic Book Paper)。あなたのサービスに深く感銘を受けて多くの日本の商品を販売されているからです。販売商品リストを閲覧し始めると「漫画のテクニック、上級者向けの漫画の描き方」をいう本を見つけました。心からこれが欲しいと思いますが、もう購入できないのでしょうか。なぜですか。
F G6I would like to know if you sell the Grado Bowl pads (as on the image) for the Grado RS1?J'aimerais savoir si vous vendez les mousses (comment sur la photo) pour le Grado RS1?
F G6 Grado RS1用の(画像にあるような)Grado Bowl パッドを販売していらっしゃるかどうか知りたいのですが。GradoRS1用の(写真のような)イヤーパッドを貴店では販売しておられませんか。
I'd like to purchase this watch as a gift for my other half.My question is - are there any import/duty charges if it is shipped to a US address?? We are canadian, but we have a shipping address in Montana that we could easily use.What would the cost me to shop to canada? I'm assuming your last email was details for the US?This email was sent from my mobile, please excuse it's brief nature.
Thank you for your fast reply. Unfortunately, the bag I want has already sold out.. after considering, I think it will be better for me to take the bag you have already sent to me rather than I have to pack it again and send back. in that case, because the price is ¥2980, can you refund ¥2000 (because I paid ¥4980) to my account? After refund I will consider this case closed. Hope there will be no mistake like this again in the future. And thank you very much for the response.
Well received your mail,pls, make URL's Indonesia agent to mail me or call is not easy for Indonesia Tariff officers at Air port to make understand this case.Pls, make URL Indonesia agent contact them and call me.I have lived here more than 15 years, I guess URL contact tariff is the way of easy solving...pls, make a solution.i paid already for shipping asn handling..
We have received assurance from Naminori24 that they will not list Olympus products on As such we have no objection with their account being re-instated, however we reserve the right to issue further infringement notices should this problem occur again. Thank you for your email and assurance that you will not list Olympus product on I have advised Amazon of this assurance and that we have no objection to you account being re-instated. Please communicate with B directly to resolve.
弊社はNaminori24からオリンパス製品はB.ukには掲載しないという確約を受け取りました。 以上により、彼らのアカウントが復活することに異議はありませんが、弊社はこの問題が再び起きることがないよう違反警告を出す権利を保持します。Eメールを頂いたこと、また にオリンパス製品を掲載しないことを確約して頂きましたことにお礼申し上げます。Amazonにはこの確約とあなたのアカウントが復活することに異議がないことを連絡させて頂きます。問題を解決するためにBに直接連絡してください。
"Your brand can fully benefit from having fans when most of your ads show social context, which increases advertising effectiveness and efficiency," the document states.The fact that less and less of brands' content will surface is described as a result of increased competition for limited space, since "content that is eligible to be shown in news feed is increasing at a faster rate than people's ability to consume it." Publishers are one factor in the heightened competition, since Facebook announced earlier this week that links to news articles will be given more prominence, especially on mobile devices, via an algorithm change.
The three-page document also contains a section that repositions how marketers should think about fan acquisition: as a tool for making paid advertising more effective. While free distribution of content is mentioned, it's the third business benefit listed after "improve advertising effectiveness" (through ads with social context, which is enabled by a substantial fan base) and "lower cost for paid distribution" (since Facebook makes it cheaper to deliver ads with social context.)In other words, the main reason to acquire fans isn't to build a free distribution channel for content; it's to make future Facebook ads work better.
It's a big shift from the stance Facebook took a year ago, when agencies including GroupM called out the fact that posts published by clients were being seen by fewer of their fans.At the time, Facebook contended that algorithmic changes had been made to weed out spammy, non-engaging content, but that the median reach of pages hadn't budged. It particularly objected to the inference that the changes had been made to spur marketers to spend more on ads to make up for lost reach.
Facebook is being more blunt about the fact that marketers are going to have to pay for reach.If they haven't already, many marketers will soon see the organic reach of their posts on the social network drop off, and this time Facebook is acknowledging it. In a sales deck obtained by Ad Age that was sent out to partners last month, the company states plainly: "We expect organic distribution of an individual page's posts to gradually decline over time as we continually work to make sure people have a meaningful experience on the site."
Facebookはマーケット担当者が顧客獲得のためにはお金を払わなければならなくなるという点にいっそう率直になっている。もしそれに対処する準備が出来ていなければ、マーケット担当者はまもなく、ソーシャルネットワークのオーガニックのリーチ数(Facebookページで投稿を見た人の数)の減少に気づくことだろう。今回はFacebookもそのことを認識している。先月パートナー企業に送られたAd Age が収集した販売実績報告の中でFacebookは「弊社は個人ページへの投稿のオーガニック配布数が徐々に減少していくと見ており、弊社のサイトでユーザーが意義深い体験が出来るよう今後とも努力していきたい。」とこの点について率直に語っている。
de maiilthank You for Your Patience.We would like to recommend You to re-write Your Plan of Action in focus on all aspects of Your suspension.Primarily for Your high order defect rate and Your Customers Service.Please, describe concrete Your steps in the future to meet our Standards.All necessary Information about how You can create a Plan of Action can You find under following Link:Thank you again for Your Patience and for contacting B and I hope we’ll hear from you again soon.
ドイツ メールご辛抱頂き有難うございます。保留になっている全ての事項にしょうt年を当ててご自分のアクションプランを再度書かれることをお勧めします。それは主としてあなたの注文の欠陥とカスタマーサービスに原因があります。具体的に弊社の標準に合うような将来の手順を記してください。アクションプランの作成の仕方についての全ての必要な情報は以下のリンクでご覧いただけます。ご辛抱とBへのご連絡に重ねて感謝申げます。近いうちにお返事を頂けることと存じます。
us Verification Department of Spigen, Inc. (“Spigen”) investigates and enforces Spigen brand protection matters. Spigen is very serious in protecting its brands and customers and Spigen’s trademarks. It has recently come to our attention that you are selling goods on B bearing Spigen's trademarks. Given that you are not our authorized seller on B, we would like to verify whether you are selling genuine or counterfeit Spigen goods. To double check, we ordered an item from you. Sell
アメリカSpigen, Inc. (“Spigen”) の調査部がSpigenブランドの保護問題を調査し実行しています。Spigenは自社ブランド、顧客、 Spigenの商標権の保護に対し非常に厳格です。最近、私達が気づいたことは、あなたは BでSpigenの商標を使った商品を販売されていることです。あなたはBの弊社が認可した販売者ではないことから、あなたが販売している Spigenの商品が正規品か偽物が確認したいと思います。ダブルチェックするため、あなたから商品を注文しました。販売
ing counterfeit goods is a serious violation. Anyone, intentionally and knowingly trafficking in counterfeit goods, may be fined up to $2,000,000, if an individual, or $5,000,000, if a business, and imprisoned up to 10 years under the Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984. Additionally, he is civilly liable for damages to a trademark owner.