1991_yappy Translations

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About 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
1991_yappy English → Japanese
Original Text

On the other hand, the government blocked Vimeo, Imgur, and Reddit, while also removing information technology studies from the local academic curriculum (then putting it back). Indonesia’s Bakrie Group invested US$25 million into Silicon Valley-based social network Path, while local media KapanLagi and Fimela merged to form the largest online media network in Indonesia.

But what about the bootstrapping startups that have been slogging away day-in and day-out this year? Surely they deserve some credit for not just surviving, but thriving in 2014. So, in no particular order, here are 10 bootstrapping startups in Indonesia that have gained notable traction or just have awesome ideas.


一方、政府は地方学校のカリキュラムから情報科学系の学科を排除排除しながら(今は戻したが)Vimeo, Imgur, Redditといったサイトをブロックした。ローカルメディアのKapanLagiとFimelaは合併を行い、インドネシア最大の巨大メディアになる一方、インドネシアBakrie Groupは$25,000,000 (2500万ドル)をシリコンバレーローカルネットワークのPathに投資した。
