Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )
Rating: 44 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 05 Mar 2018 at 11:07
~の案件について、Open bid meeting が明日の15:30にA社で開催されると連絡を受けております。
Regarding ~, we received the notice that an Open bid meeting will be held at 15:30 tomorrow at Company A.
Since we would not be able to attend the meeting, I would like to ask a favor of you to attend it instead. Would it be possible?
As we may not be able to attend, we asked Mr. B in the agency to attend the meeting.
If it is possible, we will plan to attend a teleconference.
We will decide what to do by the end of today, and we will let you know the plan.
Regarding the schedule on March 13th, we will let you know later.
(Mr. B is going to return with the flight in the morning on the day.)