Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native Portuguese (Brazil) / 1 Review / 26 Oct 2015 at 09:39

gabrielueda 60 日系ブラジル人です。幼い頃に家族と共に日本へ移住し、5年間滞在しました。 ...



You are extremely busy at the moment. And by no means I am pressing you to finish the doll. I am just going to tell you about my wish, so please do not take it bad, all right? If you say you cannot, please tell me so. You health is more important.
I would like to change the production sequence of the dolls I requested. It turned out that A can be finished until 12/15 (the reason is that I had planned to give it to my mother as a Christmas present). So, after C, I would like you to start producing R, then C, and at last, D.

Reviews ( 1 )

ctplers99 64 フリーランス翻訳者Ctplers99と申します。日本語ネイティブで、翻訳者...
ctplers99 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 27 Oct 2015 at 15:05

You are extremely busy at the moment. And by no means I am pressing you to finish the doll. I am just going to tell you about my wish, so please do not take it bad, all right? If you say you cannot, please tell me so. You health is more important.
I would like to change the production sequence of the dolls I requested. It turned out that A can be finished until 12/15 (the reason is that I had planned to give it to my mother as a Christmas present). So, after C, I would like you to start producing R, then C, and at last, D.

You are extremely busy at the moment. And by no means I am pressing you to finish the doll. I am just going to tell you about my wish, so please do not take it bad, all right? If you say you cannot, please tell me so. You health is more important.
I would like to change the production sequence of the dolls I requested. It turned out that A can be finished until 12/15 (the reason is that I plan to give it to my mother as a Christmas present). So, after C, I would like you to start producing R, then C, and at last, D.

Good job!

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