Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native Portuguese (Brazil) / 1 Review / 30 Sep 2015 at 02:58

gabrielueda 60 日系ブラジル人です。幼い頃に家族と共に日本へ移住し、5年間滞在しました。 ...



以前A-to-z Guarantee claimsとChargeback claimsを受けた時



The buyer returned the product, but it has not arrived here, because the transportation company misplaced it.
When I looked up the tracking number, I saw that the package had stopped at the transportation company for months.

Since who returned it was the buyer, I cannot do anything from here.

Previously, when I received the A-to-z Guarantee claims and Chargeback claims, I told Amazon the whole story and had the tracking number verified. After that, you withdrew this claim.

So, do I need to refund the buyer, even if I have not received the product back?

Reviews ( 1 )

yxn667 52 Conyacでの翻訳経歴(2014年10月登録): Standard依頼...
yxn667 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 03 Oct 2015 at 00:32

The buyer returned the product, but it has not arrived here, because the transportation company misplaced it.
When I looked up the tracking number, I saw that the package had stopped at the transportation company for months.

Since who returned it was the buyer, I cannot do anything from here.

Previously, when I received the A-to-z Guarantee claims and Chargeback claims, I told Amazon the whole story and had the tracking number verified. After that, you withdrew this claim.

So, do I need to refund the buyer, even if I have not received the product back?

The buyer returned the product, but it has not arrived here, because the transportation company misplaced it.
When I looked up the tracking number, I saw that the package had stopped at the transportation company for months.

Since who returned it was the buyer, I cannot do anything from here.

Previously, when I received the A-to-z Guarantee claims and Chargeback claims, I told Amazon the whole story and had the tracking number verified. After that, they withdrew this claim.

So, do I need to refund the buyer, even if I have not received the product back?

gabrielueda gabrielueda 03 Oct 2015 at 00:39


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Additional info: amazon.com宛てにバイヤーからクレームが入り、それに対する回答です。