Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 66 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 17 Feb 2015 at 23:29

yakuok 66 ・日英・英日翻訳・通訳。 ・海外の国際校で教育を受け、イギリス英語・アメ...

In conversation with author Tim Ferriss this week, Mullenweg elaborated on some of his productivity hacks, including his now-famous stint with the “Uberman” polyphasic sleep schedule. Polyphasic sleep simply means more than one sleep period per day; many of our friends in Spain are on a polyphasic sleep cycle with their luxurious afternoon siestas.

Historians have recently come to believe that people are naturally bi-phasic in their sleep patterns. Before the days of electric lights, humans went to bed shortly after sundown and awoke during the middle of the night to cook, talk, read, and make babies.


今週行われた著者Tim Ferriss氏との会談の中で、Mullenweg氏は、今や有名となった"Uberman"の多相睡眠法を含む彼の生産性を上げるいくつかのコツについて詳しく述べてくれた。多相睡眠とは簡単に言えば1日に1回以上の睡眠サイクルを設ける睡眠法のことだ。我々の多くのスペイン人の友人達は日中の贅沢なシエスタで多相睡眠サイクルを活用してる。


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