Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 49 / Native Chinese (Simplified) / 1 Review / 15 Jan 2015 at 17:12

kabasan 49 中国出身、日本在住の日本語、英語と中国語のトリリンガルです。 日本語学習...




I need to pay a commission if I use the credit card,so I tried to pay by paypal,but I failed.
When I came to the last step,this massage just came out.

So what am I supposed to do?
I'll send you the capture for now.
I want to try it again,so could you please send me the coupon again.

Reviews ( 1 )

yakuok 60 ・日英・英日翻訳・通訳。 ・海外の国際校で教育を受け、イギリス英語・アメ...
yakuok rated this translation result as ★★★★ 16 Jan 2015 at 21:43

I need to pay a commission if I use the credit card,so I tried to pay by paypal,but I failed.
When I came to the last step,this massage just came out.

So what am I supposed to do?
I'll send you the capture for now.
I want to try it again,so could you please send me the coupon again.

I need to pay a commission if I use the credit card,so I tried to pay by paypal but failed to do so.
When I got to the last step, this massage popped up.

So should I do now?
I'll send you the capture for now.
I want to fix it as soon as possible, so could you please send me the coupon again.

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