Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native English / 1 Review / 26 Sep 2014 at 22:12

ozsamurai_69 60 ー 日本語能力試験1級合格 ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式...



Are you not be able to provide a demo site until mid-October?Will take so much time for the server to be ready? I very much doubt this.

Reviews ( 1 )

tearz 50 プロの翻訳チームによる以下の多言語プロジェクトの対応が可能です。 英語(...
tearz rated this translation result as ★★ 28 Sep 2014 at 01:38

Are you not be able to provide a demo site until mid-October?Will take so much time for the server to be ready? I very much doubt this.

Would the demo site not be available until mid October? Does it take that long to get the server ready? It's very doubtful.

This review was found appropriate by 0% of translators.

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