Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 61 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 05 Mar 2013 at 18:31

takeshikm 61 経歴(Career): 企業2社で合計約3年の社内通訳・翻訳の経験を積...








Thank you. I am looking forward to the product.

I would appreciate it if you could ship it at your earliest convenience.

Would it be possible to make a remittance for business purpose? I would like to make a payment immediately but the remittance as a gift between individuals is not allowed in Japan.

I made a payment. Please check.

Is there multibuy discount?

I would like to purchase if the price is ** dollars cheaper.

Reviews ( 1 )

[deleted user] 52 こんにちは。 イギリスで生まれ、英語を母語としています。 学校教育は日...
[deleted user] rated this translation result as ★★★★ 05 Mar 2013 at 23:49

Minor mistakes, (ex - individuals is -> are, is there (+a or any) multibuy discount) but still good

takeshikm takeshikm 06 Mar 2013 at 00:30

Hi meekshibata, thank you for your review. I agree, 'is there ANY multibuy discount?' sounds better.

Concerning another point, 'is' shall belong to the remittance, so I thought it should be 'not' but 'is', or? Well, still I could write clearer like: "any non business-related remittance is not allowed between individuals in Japan", though.

Thanks anyway, I'll pay attention on the grammar more carefully.

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