Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] However, he was led to see Reimu, Marisa and Sanae, so in order to get it bac...

Original Texts
NazrinはTouhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Objectに出てくるエキストラボスキャラクターです。
彼女はネズミの妖怪であり、Myouren Templeに住んでいます。

飛倉は聖白蓮の復活に必要な物なので必死に探していました。 しかし導かれた先には霊夢、魔理沙、早苗だったので取り戻すために彼女らと戦闘になってしまいました。


Translated by brother346
Nazrin is an extra don character appearing in Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object.
She is murine specter, and she lives in Myouren Temple.

She is the subordinate of 寅丸星, and a true dowser.
She features a murine ear and a big dowsing rod, and her tone reflects her seriousness.
She is good at looking for a lost article with a dowsing rod and also at the first time of her appearance she was looking for 飛倉.
Because 飛倉 was an object necessary for reinstatement of 聖白蓮, she was looking for it desperately.
However, because there 霊夢、魔理沙、早苗 were at the place to where she was guided, she fought with them.

As for the attack method, ペンデュラム and the dowsing rod that she has are main, and she has many beautiful spelling cards.
And it is must-see for her fan, because she has five faces rare as one boss and a character who appears once again.

In the coterie magazines she is often described as a character who are looking for while taking the biscuit with 寅丸星 who often lose something.
Because she is basically snooty and spoony against Hoshi, her spoony behavior that she shows sometimes is very pretty.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
brother346 brother346