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[Translation from Japanese to English ] There is a proper reason for "16" of 16 tea. "6-ZOU・6-FU・4-Taste". Tea is not...

Original Texts
十六茶の「十六」には、きちんとした理由があります。「六臓・六腑・四味覚」。十六の前にお茶は無し。十六の後にもお茶は無し。十六茶の「十六」は中国医学の考えに基づいています。中国医学では、人体は六臓六腑から構成され、この十二の臓腑に異常があると病気になるとされています。体の主となる肝・心・脾・肺・腎・心包(別名:火包、心臓を大事に包む袋)を「六臓」、また臓を助ける胆・小腸・胃・大腸・膀胱・三焦(血液)を「六腑」と言い、健康とは六臓六腑の全てのバランスが保たれている状態を現します。 また、「四味覚」は甘い・苦い・すっぱい・しょっぱいという四つの味覚をさし、この調和が揃うと人は美味しいと感じます。十六茶は六臓・六腑・四味覚(六+六+四)のすべてに働きかける十六種類の自然素材をブレンドした健康茶です。カラダにやさしく、そして美味しくあるためには十五でも十七でもなく「十六」でなくてはならないのです。飲みあきないおいしさ。十六種類の自然素材のおいしさを最大限に引き出すことにこだわり、香ばしく豊かな味わい、そしてすっきりとしたあと味に仕上げました。 和・洋・中のどんな食事にも、そしてどんなシーンにもよく合うおいしさです。洗練されたブレンド技術。豊かな自然環境に恵まれた自社(シャンソンティーワールド)で一貫した製品づくりにより、原料の段階から高品質の十六種類の素材だけを厳選。さらに、技術の高い製法で丁寧に焙煎・ブレンドしています。安心の無添加。遺伝子の組み換えの原料、人工甘味料、防腐剤、添加物などは一切使用していませんので、ご家族のみんなで安心してお飲み頂けます。香ばしく、後味すっきり、体にやさしいお茶です。
Translated by zhizi
There is a clear answer for why “Juroku-cha”, a tea made from 16 kinds of ingredients, uses 16 different materials. “Six internal organs, six intestines, and four major senses of taste.” It cannot be call tea, when it lacks one ingredient or has one too many. The concept of sixteen is based on the Chinese medecine. According to the Chinese medecine, the human body consists of six internal organs and six intestines, and people get ill when there is something wrong in these 12 organs and intestines. The six organs include major parts such the liver, the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and “shinpou”, or “hihou” which is said to be a protective bag to wrap the heart.
The six intestines, which supports the functions of the six organs, are the gallbladder, small and large intestines, stomach, bladder and “sansho” or blood. A good health can be maintained when all these six organs and six intestines keep a good balance between them.
The four major senses of taste are sweet, bitter, sour and salty. When people taste something delicious, it means that these four taste are in harmony. Juroku-cha is a healthy tea made with 16 natural ingredients, and serves to support all the six organs, six intestines and four taste senses. It is good for your body, and it has to use 16 kinds, not 15 nor 17, in order to be a good delicious drink. This mild flavor will never make you tired of drinking. With a great attention to bring out the good taste and flavor of 16 ingredients, this Juroku-cha has a good aroma, rich flavor and fresh aftertaste.
This tea goes well with any kind of food such as Japanese, Western or Chinese food, and it is suitable to any kind of situation. We boast our sophisticated blending technology. With integrated manufacturing at our company, Chanson Tea World, which is surrounded by rich natural environment, 16 kinds of high-quality ingredients are carefully selected at the very first stage. The ingredients, then, are roasted and blended carefully with our advanced manufacturing method. This product is additive-free. No artificial ingredients, such as GM products, artificial sweetener, preservatives and additives, are contained in this tea, and it is safe to drink. Enjoy this tea with your family. It has a great aroma and refreshing aftertaste, and is good for your health.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
zhizi zhizi