Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] There is something I'd like to ask Kory. I want Victoria, Shyann and Linda Mu...

Original Texts
Koryにお伺いしたいことがございます。私は、黒い瞳と黒い髪と黒いまつげを持ったVictoriaとShyannとLinda Murrayが欲しいです。イメージ写真をお送りさせていただきます。イメージ写真は瞳と髪の色が黒ではありません。わたしは、髪を少し短くして、強い巻髪よりゆるいウェーブが私は好みです。また、もしお願いした場合、日本までの送料込みでいくらになりますか?私の希望は、Viが500ドル、Sが400ドル、Lが400ドルに、プラス送料です。良いお返事をお待ちしています。
Translated by sosa31
I have a request for Kory; I would like to have Victoria, Shyann, and Linda Murray that have dark brown eyes, black hairs, and black eyelashes. I am sending you a picture to show what they should look like. Please note that in the picture hair is not black and eyes are not dark brown. I prefer a little shorter and wavy hair than the curly hair. If I purchase from you, how much would the total charge would be, including shipping and handling? My preferred prices are; $500 for Victoria, $400 for Shyann, and $400 for Linda, plus shipping charge. I look forward to have a positive response from you. Thank you.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
30 minutes
sosa31 sosa31