Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] ◇Campaign 『1000-yen fair』 Committed to sound management, We at LangSupple...

Original Texts

日本人に取って一番の敵は『わからないことを、どううまく伝えれば良いかがわからない』だとも思っております。  ラングサプリでは、日本人の生徒様に安心してスキルアップして頂くべく『素通りしないレッスン』をモットーに毎日レッスンを行っております。

 どういった経歴の人でも構いません! 興味のある方、こちらからコンタクトをお願い申し上げます。何かの縁だと思ってまずはお気軽にどうぞ。
Translated by naokey1113
"1000Yen Fair"
Lang Sapli is trying to minimize the advertising cost for the purpose of the good management. There are three reasons.

1) To invest on education and training for teachers. - LS provides high standard education to Japanese students.
2) To keep the reasonable price for students. - We are sure that the advertising cost comes from charge for students.
3) Students are the best sales people! Sales effort by our Lang Supple's staffs to you would be as ineffective as walk-in sales. On the other hand, if the existing students tell the benefit of Lang Supple to their friends, the probability of acquiring new students will increase!
Lang Supple doesn't choose an option to pay hundreds of thousand Yen for advertising. Instead of that, we are paying back points which are worth 1,000 Yen to stundents on behalf of a part of our gratitude.
◇Corporate vision
Valuable support for Gaikatsu people! "Gaikatsu people" is a coinage made by Lang Suppli that means "Japanese who live vividly abroad".
In our company, all the staffs think of the image of "Gaikatsu people" and are ready for offering support to our students in order to enable them to acquire "abilities desired" instead of "mere English school". ====> Never ignore what you don't understand! (This is very important! Support thoroughly!)
We believe that it is the worst issue for Japanese that we don't know how to express effectively what we don't know"
Lang Supple offers lessons to Japanese students every day to let them achieve step-up securely on the basis of the motto "we never ignore problems in lessons".

◇Recruitment of Japanese teachers
Lang Supple recruits many Japanese teachers who can teach English. Why don't you support Japanese people to enhance "the power of Gaikatsu people" with us?!
We don't care your background! Please contact us, if you have an interest. Feel free to contact us, thinking this chanse as a sort of fate.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
naokey1113 naokey1113