Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] All is fine. He is coming to the airport as well so he will pay the extra cha...

Original Texts
すべて承知しました。空港には彼も同行しますので、荷物のextra chargeはその場で彼が支払うようにします。帰国時に持って帰る荷物の個数が確定したら教えてください。今回のレコーディングでは、英語ヴァージョンだけ収録しようと考えています。彼は英語での歌唱が初めてなので、レコーディングの時に、下記リンクにあるように、メンバーから発音に関するアドヴァイスをもらえるとありがたい。日本語ヴァージョンに関して、彼が全部日本語で歌うヴァージョンも制作することは可能ですか?
Translated by transcontinents
All is fine. He is coming to the airport as well so he will pay the extra chage for excess baggage on site. Please let me know when you can confirm how many baggages you will bring back home. For this recording, we are thinking about recording English version only. It's his first time to sing in English, so at the time of recording, we appreciate if he can get advice from members on his pronounciation as indicated on the URL below. In regard to Japanese version, is it possible that you make a version which he sings all in Japanese?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
7 minutes
transcontinents transcontinents

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