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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Weiyuyin: An Interesting Vocal Plugin for Weixin With Tencent Weixin/WeChat ...

Original Texts
Weiyuyin: An Interesting Vocal Plugin for Weixin

With Tencent Weixin/WeChat penetrating into Chinese people’s daily life, it’s becoming an platform that more plugins are expected to be developed to enrich its functions. Weiyuyin is an interesting vocal plugin for Weixin. When using Weixin, you might feel embarrassed when you have nothing to say? Are you reluctant to send a piece of voice message to a stranger? Weiyuyin provides you with interesting solutions. Weiyuyin includes different styles of voice messages, such as animal’s sounds, popular slogans, amusing dialogues and so on. You may insert these voices to express your emotion or to change the atmosphere. What’s more, you can DIY your own voice messages! After recorded in Weiyuyin, your voice can even be changed into robot’s voice or cute baby voice if you like. Weiyuyin could help users make friends with strangers to an extent. It’s obvious that vivid sound effects make interaction between friends more absorbing. But to strangers, its vocal messages can break the ice and melt down the tension. And, with Tencent Weixin’s Open Platform launched in May 2012, an increasing number of plugins or services can be integrated in Weixin such as very popular application Changba (sharing your karaoke songs with friends on Weixin). With these third-party service installed into Weixin, users can play games, record songs, and do anything you could on the mobile phone. Eventually, Weixin may become a very influential platform that every application might rely on it, just like Facebook’s open platform. Note that Weiyuyin is already among Top 25 in Chinese App Stores!

Weiyuyin is developed by Shortail Lab, a Shenzhen-based company. It has launched several social-networking apps before, including YueYue (an LSB app inviting people near you to do something together), HuaHuaCai (similar to Draw Something) and HeHe (a service allows you to post weibo with more than 140 words).
Translated by nobula

Weiyuyinはユーザーが見知らぬ人と友達になる手助けにもなりうる。生き生きとしたサウンド効果は明らかに友達同士の交流をより楽しいものにする。しかし、他人に対しては、その音声メッセージが場を和やかにし緊張をほぐすことが可能だ。Tencent Weixinのオープンプラットフォームが2012年の5月にローンチされ、大人気のアプリケーションChangba(Weixin上で友達とカラオケソングを共有する)などのChangbaWeixinに統合できるプラグインやサービスの数が増加している。それらWeixinにインストールされたサードパーティのサービスを利用して、ユーザーはゲームをしたり、音楽を録音したり、携帯電話上で可能なことは何でもできる。

Weiyuyinは深川を拠点とする企業Shortail Labによって開発された。これまでに、YueYue(近くにいつ人に一緒に何かするよう誘うLSBアプリ)、HuaHuaCai(Draw Somethingと同様のアプリ)、HeHe(140語以上でweiboに投稿するのを可能にするサービス)などいくつかのソーシャルネットワーキング・アプリをローンチしている。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 13 hours
nobula nobula