Local Developers Optimistic of Blackberry’s Future
Research In Motion (RIM) is in crisis. Its global sales figures is decreasing and the company experiences a huge loss. Its newest operating system, the BlackBerry 10 which mentioned to be able to save RIM, is postponed until next year. However, RIM is still trying hard to embrace developers, one of the ways is holding BlackBerry 10 Jam, including in Jakarta, last Tuesday.
Research In Motion (以下、RIM)は、危機的な状況にある。世界での売上高は減っており、かなりの損失が出ている。最新OSのBlackBerry 10はRIMの救世主になると思われていたが、発表は来年まで延期になった。しかし、RIMは何とか開発者を取り込もうと必死で、その一手段として、先週の火曜日に開催されたジャカルタでの集いを含め、各地でBlackBerry 10 Jamを開催している。
The result, developers’ enthusiasm is seen in the event. Around 350 developers from many places are present in the event which introduce the BlackBerry 10 operating system. In addition to show how to build an app for BlackBerry 10, RIM also gives out BlackBerry Dev Alpha to help developers in building apps for BlackBerry 10.
I had the chance to contact three developers who participated in BlackBerry 10 Jam. The three of them give a good impression about BlackBerry 10, both from the presentation they see and after trying BlackBerry 10 in the BlackBerry Dev Alpha device they received. They are especially impressed with BB 10’s smooth and lag-free multitasking system. The look of BB 10 is also far better than the previous operating system.
In addition, Prasetyo Andy Wicaksono, CEO of Layang-Layang Mobile, says that the migration to BlackBerry 10 opens a new opportunity of BlackBerry 10 apps developing. Developers have a lot of options to build an app using WebWorks, Adobe Air, Android runtime or developing a native app with Cascade or C/C++. This openness can attract many developers who already learned to use those tools to build apps for BlackBerry 10.
Delay Becomes Opportunity
The delay on BlackBerry 10 launching is actually a blessing for developers. This delay means more time for developers to learn more on how to develop apps for BlackBerry 10. Ibnu Maksum, the developer of NuxRadio for BlackBerry, says that this delay is a chance for him to learn app developing for BlackBerry 10 using Cascade technology.
BlackBerry 10のリリースの遅れは実はディベロッパーにとってありがたいものである。この遅れによってディベロッパーはBlackBerry 10向けのアプリをいかに開発していくかを考えるより多くの時間を与えられたことになる。BlackBerry向けのNuxRadioのディベロッパーであるIbnu Maksumは、この遅れのおかげで彼はCascadeテクノロジーを利用したBlackBerry 10向けのアプリ開発について学ぶチャンスを得たと述べている。
While learning to build app for BlackBerry 10, Fakhrur Rida, freelance developer for BlackBerry app and usually known as Edo, will still develop apps for existing BlackBerry operating system. He thinks that the demand for apps both from company and retail, is so high. This seems to be what makes the developers to remain focusing in developing apps for BlackBerry.
The developers I contacted also admit that they already prepare a plan for apps for BlackBerry 10. At least, they will port the apps they have made to be able to run on BlackBerry 10.
They are also confident that BlackBerry 10 will be able to lift RIM from its current condition. RIM’s superiority in its safe network is able to support productivity added with the good BlackBerry 10 operating system are the factors that support said confidence. However, time is important because if it miss again, RIM will lose the momentum and may meet failure.
また、彼らはBlackBerry 10によって、RIMは現状から回復するとも信じている。RIMのネットワークサービスは、安全性に優れ業績への貢献が期待されており、そこに評判の良いBlackBerry 10のOSが加わることが、前述の業績回復に対する自信の裏付けになっている様だ。しかし、そこには時間との闘いが待っている。もしまた延期する事になれば、RIMは勢いを失い業績回復に失敗するだろう。
すくなくとも、彼らは、Blackberry 10 上での正常動作するアプリの移植をするつもりです。
彼らは、Blackberry 10 が RIM を今の状態から引き上げる可能性があると信じています。
RIM のセーフティネットワークの優位性は、OS Blackberry 10が付加した秘匿性の要素を支えることができる。