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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Our society is sick both on the exterior and within. Some examples of the fir...

Original Texts
Our society is sick both on the exterior and within. Some examples of the first instance include the mountains of rubbish accumulating in every corner of some cities, and as far as interior illness is concerned, we need only consider the many kinds of negative social conditions that our failure to expose and examine in any depth censures and transforms into taboos.
The Ancient Romans believed in “mens sana in corpore sano”: a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Society could heal itself by becoming eco-friendly, and by respecting and looking after the outer world that surrounds us (through waste separation and a consumer outlook that abides by fair trading standards), and by aiming to safeguard our interior world.
Translated by natsukio

古代ローマ人は“mens sana in corpore sano”という言葉を信じており、これは健康な精神は健康な肉体に宿る、という意味です。社会をエコ・フレンドリーにし、私達を取り巻く世界にたいして気をつかうこと、(廃棄物分離や、フェアトレード商品の購入など)それに内部世界を保護することで社会に自浄作用が生まれます。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
natsukio natsukio