Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] In Tunisia, the streets of Tunis are deserted after the government imposes a ...

Original Texts
In Tunisia, the streets of Tunis are deserted after the government imposes a curfew following clashes between Islamists and police.
In the US, Apple introduces retina display laptops with screen resolution of 2800x1800, making it far sharper than HDTV.

Translated by zhizi
アメリカでは、アップル社が 2800 x 1800 ピクセルのレティナ・ディスプレイ・ノートパソコンを発表しました。高画質テレビよりもはるかにシャープな画像を映し出します。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
2 days
zhizi zhizi