Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Human hide is born again at about a 28 days’ cycle, which is called skin tu...

Original Texts
これを肌ターンオーバーとよびますが、ターンオーバーの周期は年齢を重ねるとともにこの遅くなり、しみやくすみなどが発生します。EFGは、このターンオーバーを促進させる成分なのです。ターンオーバーを促進(つまり、お肌の再生を正常に戻す)することでしわやシミなどの予防と改善を促します。新陳代謝も活発になるので、肌のたるみを防止し、顔を引き締め、 フェイスラインがキュッとしてきます。
Translated by mura

Human hide is born again at about a 28 days’ cycle, which is called skin turnover. But sad to say, the turn over speed is not constant but gets slower and slower as you are aging. As a result, you have to meet your fleck and dirt eventually. EFG can accelerate this turnover speed. That is, by accelerating turnover speed (regeneration of skin), it pretends corrugation and fleck in your face and can even improve the situation. Due to increased metabolism, you can be protected from skin sagging, your face can be toned up, and so with fine face line.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
40 minutes
mura mura