Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] ・ Take care of yourself. How's your hangover? I had a wild party after BBQ at...

Original Texts
・体休めてね。二日酔い大丈夫だった?僕達もあのBBQの後、家で大騒ぎしすぎて、警察が来たのでしばらく謹慎します。:9 あのアパートに住んでないんだね。あなたが住んでいるところは結構離れているね。車で50分くらいかな?友達の家に届ける方が良ければそうしようか?もしくは僕のオフィスに取りに来てくれるのでもいいよ。
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
・ Take care of yourself. How's your hangover? I had a wild party after BBQ at my home and the cops came. I'm going to be quiet for a while. :9 So you don't live in that apartment complex. It's rather far away where you, 50 minutes by car? If it's more convenient for you, I can bring it to your friends. Or, you can come pick it up at my office.
・ I have a suggestion: since we were talking about badges towards the end, how about if we all get together and talk about our businesses? While drinking is OK, too. We can point out our weaknesses.
I'm not good at English, but I'll do my best.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
22 minutes