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[Translation from English to Japanese ] NBA King of the Court, Brings Games to You through Augmented Reality When ...

Original Texts
NBA King of the Court, Brings Games to You through Augmented Reality

When I was in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress, I met Tatiana, Marketing Manager for Ogmento, an augmented reality (AR) mobile game development company at the Pocket Gamer After Party.

She showed me a cool new location based, augmented reality app they have released called “NBA: King of the Court”. In the real world, basketball players often turn up to local courts to play pick-up with random people. In a similar way, through this game, players can find virtual basketball courts around them and challenge other players to a shoot-out. It works like this: turn on the app, see a Google map of your area to find virtual courts surrounding you or use the 360 degree camera browser view. Select a court to play on, then the game will open up. The goal is to tap the ball when the bar hits a certain section of the meter to shoot the ball. Each successful shot earns you points and coins. There are only a certain number of balls to shoot for a limited time, similar to those basketball shooting games at arcades. If you attain the highest score for the court you become the ‘King’. As the King, you are entitled to defend the court through using power-ups. Power Ups make it more difficult for other players to win. For example, ‘Lockdown’ means shrinking the opponents shot zone . You can unlock more challenging defences by redeeming your coins or paying for in –app purchases. Of course the game is also a social experience and allows players to find friends to track scores of or see how you rank against other teams, in the global realm or against the top 10 players. You can also compete in weekly competitions to win rewards and badges. Like many other social games, you can brag to your friends that you are the ‘King of the Court’ on Facebook and Twitter. The game is in fact the world’s first location-based sports game and the first mobile game to combine a top sports franchise (NBA) with location based technology and augmented reality into one overall dynamic game experience. For die-hard NBA fans, the game also dynamically updates for what happens in the real-world NBA games with synchronization for NBA team events, partner campaigns, and contests on both a local and national level. Tatiana says “We believe the game sets the bar on what becomes a true social sports game.” Since the game is very new and I am probably the first to hear about it in Beijing, I have already become King in four courts around Beijing CBD area. Time for you to challenge me for the King position! You can download it for free here.
Translated by yoggie
NBA King of the Court、拡張現実の世界へあなたをいざなうゲーム

Mobile World Congressでバルセロナにいたとき、Pocket Gamer After Partyの会場で、私は、拡張現実(AR)携帯ゲーム開発会社、OgmentoのマーケティングマネジャーTatianaに出会った。

彼女は、リリースされたばかりの素晴らしい、ロケーションベースの拡張現実アプリ、「NBA:King of the Court」を見せてくれた。実際の世界でも、バスケットボール選手は地域のコートにやってきて、ランダムに選んだ人々とプレイを楽しむことがよくある。これと同じように、このゲームは、選手が、バーチャルのバスケットコートにやってきて、他の選手とシュートアウトで勝負できるのだ。
そのコートで一番いいスコアをとれば、「King」になれる。「King」になれば、power-upsを使って、そのコートをディフェンドする権利が与えられる。power upsを使えば、他の選手がが勝つにはさらに難しくなる。たとえば、「Lockdown」を使えば、敵のシュートゾーンを狭めることができるのだ。コインを使ったり、アプリ内で購入したりして、もっと挑戦的なディフェンスを駆使することもできる。
もちろん、このゲームは、社会的な経験にもなる。世界中、あるいはトップ10の選手に対して、スコアを追跡したり、他のチームに対しての自分のランクを見たりすることで、友達を作ることも可能だ。毎週行われる試合に出場して勝てば、報酬やバッジをもらえることもある。ほかの多くのソーシャルゲームと同じように、Facebookやツイッターで、友達に、自分が「King of the Court」だと自慢することもできる。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours
yoggie yoggie