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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Golden Gate Ventures: $10 Million Fund for SEA Startups Launches Today Ka-...

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Golden Gate Ventures: $10 Million Fund for SEA Startups Launches Today

Ka-ching! Great news for entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia this Monday morning. Golden Gate Ventures, we have been told directly, is a newly set-up US$10 million venture fund focusing on startups in Southeast Asia – especially Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The fund is looking to invest in startups that are of the consumer Internet genre. You know – web, mobile, social, local, e-commerce, and what not. Golden Gate Ventures will be run by three familiar names in tech circles: Vinnie Lauria, Jeffrey Paine, and Paul Bragiel. Plus, two institutional partners, i/o Ventures and Founder Institute, will also support the new fund. Investment will range from $50,000 to $500,000 per shot.

The investors at Golden Gate Ventures are made up of folks who have entrepreneurship and investing experience both in U.S and Asian markets. Vinnie has run five startups since high school. His last venture was, a forum hosting platform with over 100,000 communities hosted on it. Lefora was acquired by CrowdGather in 2010. Paul, also an entrepreneur himself, has had a long working relationship with Vinnie. Both of them started and have gone through the scrappy entrepreneurship lifestyle (pictured above). Paul is also the founding partner of i/o Ventures.

The Asian experience and connection will come from Jeffrey Paine who runs Founders Institute Singapore and a startup called Pyrks. Jeffrey has overseen new Founders Institute launches in Jakarta, Hanoi, Hong Kong. A new Sydney-based Founders Institute is also in the pipeline.

Besides money, Golden Gate Ventures will also be providing mentorship and will serve as a bridge between Silicon Valley and the Southeast Asian network/market. Vinnie elaborates: " [We also provide] strong mentorship through our network, follow-on funding through our network, hands-on experience. […] And finally, we’ll be providing shared office space in the Valley for two to three startups per year for one to two months."

Asian startups are not expected to move to the Valley, though, as I clarified with Golden Gate Ventures. However, Vinnie hopes to pass on skills – as he termed it: ‘SV best practices’ – such as speed, soft-launching, customer feedback development, and pivoting, to entrepreneurs in this region. He added: "Entrepreneurs get the benefit of working alongside valley co-founders [and also] get benefit from US exposure [if they were] to launch their service from the Valley."

Southeast Asia is hot – both the startup ecosystem and the weather. Two weeks ago, Ru-net, a Russian-based venture fund, also announced a $50 million fund focusing on the Southeast Asian region. Hmmm… who will be next?
Translated by zhizi

カチャーン!月曜の今朝、東南アジアの起業家にとって素晴らしいニュースがある。Golden Gate Ventures(ゴールデン・ゲート・ベンチャーズ)とは、直接聞いたところによると、新設された1000万米ドルのベンチャー基金で、東南アジア —特にシンガポール、フィリピン、インドネシア、マレーシア、タイ、ハノイ— のスタートアップ企業に重点的に投資を行なうものだ。

Golden Gate Venturesを運営するのは、テック業界で有名な Vinnie Lauria、Jeffrey Paine、Paul Bragielの3人だ。その他に、2社の機関パートナー(i/o VenturesとFounder Institute)もこの新しい基金を支援する。投資額は、1回につき5万から50万ドルとなる予定だ。

Golden Gate Venturesの投資家には、起業家精神を持ち、米国およびアジア市場での投資経験のある人達が集まっている。Vinnieは、高校以来5つのスタートアップを運営しており、最新のベンチャーはLefora.comで、10万を超えるコミュニティーを抱えるフォーラム・プラットフォームだった。Leforaは2010年にCroudGatherによって買収された。
Paul自身も起業家で、Vinnieとの付き合いは長い。2人ともMeetro.comを始め、雑然とした起業家生活を送った(写真上)。Paulはi/o Venturesの設立パートナーでもある。

アジアでの経験と繋がりは、Founders Institue SingaporeおよびスタートアップのPyrksを運営するJeffrey Paineが担当する。Jeffreyは、ジャカルタ、ハノイ、香港にFounders Instituteを新設する責任者を務めている。シドニーを拠点とするFounders Instituteの設立も進行中だ。

Golden Gate Venturesは、資金以外にもアドバイスを提供し、シリコンバレーと東南アジアのネットワーク/市場の架け橋となる予定だ。Vinnieは次のように説明している。

Golden Gate Venturesに確認したところ、アジアのスタートアップがシリコンバレーに移るということではない。だが、Vinnieは技術 —スピード、スムーズな導入、消費者のフィードバックデベロップメントやピボッティングなどの「シリコンバレー最良の方法」—を伝えたいと思っている。


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English → Japanese
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about 20 hours
zhizi zhizi