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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Innova Tech is Going to Stop You From Losing Things This post is a part of...

Original Texts
If he had missed the ring, he could also use Google Maps integration to check on the card’s last recorded location later. However, since the card connects to the net only via a phone, you can’t see live information about your valuables’ whereabouts, just the location of where they were the last time your phone was near them. In Singapore, Innova is looking at telecom operators, banks, and novelty shops as potential distribution centers and cooperative partners. The company is also looking to move production of the device to China, where overhead is lower.

It’s too bad you can’t track the card’s location in real time, but a warning when you’re walking away would prevent a lot of accidental losses, and probably even the occasional theft. Innova’s card really is impressively thin, and it might just be a smart addition to your wallet once it goes on sale in Asia.
Translated by kaory
Innova Technologyはシンガポールで販売センターや協力企業になりそうなところとして携帯販売業者、銀行、ノベルティショップなどを調査している。またこのデバイスの製造を間接費が安い中国に移すことも考えている。

Translated by nobeldrsd
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
kaory kaory
nobeldrsd nobeldrsd