Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 116-2 In an interview published in Playboy magazine, he revealed that h...

Original Texts
PAGE 116-2
In an interview published in Playboy magazine, he revealed that he gave up watching television, not because he disliked it but because it was not worthy of an allocation of his time. At his mansion on Lake Washington, Gates keeps a large library with thousands of books - vital for a man whose intellectual curiosity can take him off in anyone of a thousand different directions. He stayed abreast of world news, he said, by reading The Economist from cover to cover. To ensure his time was used as productively as possible, he always left for the airport at the last minute. This habit led to him reinstating his own parking slot outside Microsoft's Redmond headquarters.
Translated by juntotime
116ページ 2
プレイボーイ誌のインタビューにおいて、彼がTVを見るのをやめたのはテレビが嫌いだからではなく日常の中の時間を割くには値しないと判断したからということを明らかにした。ワシントン湖にある彼の邸宅に、ゲイツは何千もの本のある図書館を所有していた。この世の何千もの分野の人間の誰もかなわない彼の知的好奇心を埋めるのに不可欠なのだ。彼が言うには、The Economistを端から端まで読むことで、世界中のニュースを頭に入れておけるそうだ。彼の時間を可能な限り創造的に使うことを確実にするため、彼は常に飛行機を一番最後に降りた。この習慣が彼をレッドモンドのマイクロソフト本社そばに駐車場に連れ戻すのである。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
juntotime juntotime