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[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 104-1 Gates' own direct, slightly impatient manner and his unwillingnes...

Original Texts
PAGE 104-1
Gates' own direct, slightly impatient manner and his unwillingness to suffer fools also made him appear rude. On a good day he was charming, but on a bad day downright abrasive. At industry gatherings he could seem condescending - even patronizing - about the ideas of others. At internal meetings he was prone to outbursts - some say tantrums - if he didn't like the way the discussion was moving.

'That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard', was a typical Gates line. Direct, but hardly likely to make the person he's talking to inclined to volunteer more ideas. Steve Ballmer, a long-term Gates aide and friend for more than 20 years was well aware of how the Microsoft CEO came across sometimes.
Translated by juntotime
104ページ 1


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
juntotime juntotime