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[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 25-2 Apple, on the other hand, took the view that the only way to ensur...

Original Texts
PAGE 25-2
Apple, on the other hand, took the view that the only way to ensure the quality of its products was to try to retain control of everything. Later this included its proprietary Macintosh operating system.

Apple didn't want anyone else to 'clone' its computer. For years, the company resolutely refused to license its Apple Mac operating system to other manufacturers. This meant that anyone who wanted the user-friendly Apple operating system had to buy an Apple computer. It was a strategy that seemed to make sense - but only by the old rules of the game. The problem for Apple was that in terms of business model and strategic vision, it was only one generation on from the hardware dinosaur IBM.
Translated by kazutl
対してアップルは、商品の品質を確かにするには、全てにかんしてコントロール権を握ることが唯一の方法だと考えた。後にこの考えは独自のマッキントッシュOS(Macintosh OS)につながる。

アップルは他の誰にも自らのコンピュータをコピーされたくなかった。Mac OS(オペレーティングシステム)のライセンスを他のメーカーに提供することを何年も断固拒否し続けた。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
34 minutes
kazutl kazutl