Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] ・Prepare Data Please prepare the following data. Details such as sizes, etc....

Original Texts
(「・」のついている行はタイトル的に簡潔にお願いします 後半もお願いします)



修正・変更は3回まで無料となります。それ以上の修正・変更は別途料金が発生します (「・」のついている行はタイトル的に簡潔にお願いします 前半もお願いします)


Translated by lurusarrow
・Preparing materials
Please refer here for the items to prepare.Detailed information on size and etc will be provided by our company after order is placed.

・Inserting material data
Please prepare instruction sheet if there is any detailed instruction on bottun layout.

・Start produvtion after payment is completed
・Delivery of first β version
・Instruction on points to be amended
・Delivery of new β version
Free modification up to 3 times.The additional charges will incur if more than 3 times modification is needed.
・Cnfirmation of specification
Please note additional charges will apply for any change or modification after confirmation.

・Submition to AppStore

・Commencement of distribution on AppStor
Distribution will commence after Apple's evaluation.Please refer here for remarks on the evaluation.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
lurusarrow lurusarrow