Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Your arrangement for the business trip has helped me see all of you people, w...

Original Texts
出張の手配をしてくれた事で、皆さんに会うことができ、これからの仕事にモチベーションになりました。彼は、メールだとすごくネガティブに感じますが、実際 会うと情熱的なだと気づきました。完璧主義で責任感が強い方だと思いましたが、想像通りでしたが少しお茶目な一面がありました。今後はできるだけお客さんの営業に時間を費やしたいと思いますのであなたのサポートをお願い致します。皆さんとお仕事ができて光栄です。僕たちは、年配者なので。若い方で流行しているブランドがありましたら教えてください。
Translated by bluejeans71
Your arrangement for the business trip has helped me see all of you people, which has been a good motivation to my job in the future. Though he may be very negative in the content of his e-mails, I found him so passionate when I saw him in the flesh. I also had an impression on him being a perfectionist ready to shoulder responsibilities, but he had a unique side on his nature, which was just I had imagined. I would like to have more time for sales to the clients, so I would appreciate your support to me. I am honored to have worked with all of you. As we are not so young, I hope you will let me know brands which are popular among young people.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
6 minutes
bluejeans71 bluejeans71
This is a Japanese freelance translator having a command of English.
(My Sp...