Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] -Developed an app to judge documents with similar laws and regulations  - At...

Original Texts
- 文書に記述されている数値を解析し,その文書の数値データの範囲を検索できるシステムを開発
- 地図検索アプリの精度改善を支援
ー 主に設定変更により精度改善
- 文字列から地名を判別し,その文字列を使って検索するアプリを開発
ー システムA と同等の精度を達成
- 商品データベース中の似た商品名を1つにまとめるアプリを最適化
- 1週間かかっていた処理が数時間に短縮 - 似た法律や条例の文書を判定するアプリを開発
- 最初は方法Aを取ったが失敗したので,方法Bを取り,80%程度の精度で開発終了
- 商品点数が数千万点あるWebサイトで使用されているシステムの性能改善や設定のレビューを実施
- 1サーバーで処理できる商品点数が10〜20%ほど向上。現在も継続して改善を実施。
- 自社開発したLinuxのトレーニング講師を担当
- 月1回開催し,毎回2〜3名が受講 ソフトウェアエンジニアとして,自社開発したアプリケーションの主にAやBやCの機能について担当。

- データをクロールし,Linux と連携するシステムの開発
- 一覧に表示されるサムネイル機能の開発
- 文書からAやBを抽出する機能の開発
- 次世代のAアプリケーションのプロトタイプの設計と開発
- ツールAを使って,主にインデックスを作成する部分のプロトタイプを実装し,これを Linux の B を使って動作検証した。
Translated by karekora
Engaged in consulting work for total coordination of the system; such as introduction support for A and development of related applications.
-Development of a system that can analyze the numerical values ​​described in a document and search a range of numerical data
-Help improve the accuracy of map searching apps
-Improve accuracy by changing the settings
-Developed an application that distinguishes a place name from a character string and searches using that character string
-Achieved the same accuracy as System A
-Optimized an app that combines similar product names in a product database
-Processing which normally took a week has been reduced to hours
-Developed an app to judge documents with similar laws and regulations
 - At first, method A was used, but it then failed, so method B was taken and development has been completed with an accuracy of about 80%.
- Performance improvement of system used in the website with tens of millions of products and settings review
 - The number of products that can be processed by one server has been improved by 10 to 20%. We are continuing to make improvements.
- In charge of the training instructor for Linux, developed in-house
 - Held once a month, with 2-3 people attending each time
As a software engineer, I have been predominately in charge of the A, B, and C functions of applications developed in-house.
Also engaged in related research and development.

-Development of a system that crawls data and links with Linux
-Development of a thumbnail function displayed in a list
-Development of a function to extract A and B from documents
-Next-generation A application prototype design and development
 -Using Tool A, I implemented a prototype of the part that creates the index, verifying the operation using B of Linux.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
25 minutes
karekora karekora
