Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Even if it is good or bad, "China" that influences to the world greatly. To ...

Original Texts
中国と何かしらの関わりを持つと、同じアジアの国、漢字を使っている国同士にも関わらず、あまりにも違う考え方に驚かされ、日本人が何となく持っている “常識” とは何かと考えさせられます。
Translated by setsuko-atarashi
Even if it is good or bad, "China" that influences to the world greatly.
To have any relations with China, even though we are allies in the same Asia, and using Kanaji, we are surprised to find how differently they think, and we come to think about "common sense" that Japanese have unconsciously.
In this reading, it is not talked about good or bad or China and Japan, I would like to have a help to newly produce something toward to study activities or career.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
21 minutes
setsuko-atarashi setsuko-atarashi