Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] In this lesson, we will make traditional Japanese Makizushi "Shikaimaki" and ...

Original Texts

四海巻きの模様は波を表しており、着物にも使われる古典的な柄、「青海波」(せいがいは)です。この柄は未来永劫へと続く幸せへの願いと、人々の平安な暮らしへの願いが込められた縁起の良い柄ですので、お祝いの席で出されることが多いです。 味噌田楽ですが、味噌というと連想しやすいものの一つに味噌汁がありますが、この料理では、味噌で濃厚なソースを作ります。それをごま油でこんがり焼いた串刺しの豆腐やナスなどの具材にぬって食べます。
田楽の意味は平安時代に行われていた「田楽」という伝統芸能に由来します。 豆腐を串に刺した形が、踊る芸人の姿が似ていたことから名付けられました。

Translated by steveforest
In this lesson, we will cook "Shikaimaki", which is a Japanese traditional roll sushi and "Misodengaku", which is sweet and spicy cuisine well accompanied with Japanese sake, also suits you together.
The pattern of Shikaimaki is so called "Seigaiha", shaped like the wave and also used for Kimono, or Japanese traditional dress.
The pattern is well used for various celebrated ceremonies because it will be pray for the continued happiness along with hope for peaceful life.
Speaking of MIso Dengaku, miso is easily inspired by miso soup, but with this dish, firstly we will make thick sauce with using miso paste. Then grill tofu, eggplant and other ingredient skewered with sesame oil and eat it with the sauce.
The word "Dengaku" was derived from the traditional entertainment called "Dengaku" which was taken place in the Heian era. That was named by the shape of skewer of the tofu looked like the dancer in the entertainment.

If preferred, a grass of sparkling sake will be with dish on the house. Please enjoy Japanese dish along with sake. We will also provide you with Japanese green tea as well.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
15 minutes
steveforest steveforest
I worked for the broadcaster as an engineer for over 35 years.
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