Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public
[Translation from Japanese to English ] I have two questions. 1.May I use YouTube API and Adsense together? I was ...
Original Texts
1. YouTube APIとAdsenseの併用は可能なのでしょうか?自分は規約的に併用できないと思っていたのですが併用できる場合、その根拠となるソースはありますか?
2. YouTube全体からキーワードで動画を表示するような機能の実装は難しいでしょうか?APIの使用回数制限的に難しいのでしょうか?それとも技術的に難しいのでしょうか?
1. YouTube APIとAdsenseの併用は可能なのでしょうか?自分は規約的に併用できないと思っていたのですが併用できる場合、その根拠となるソースはありますか?
2. YouTube全体からキーワードで動画を表示するような機能の実装は難しいでしょうか?APIの使用回数制限的に難しいのでしょうか?それとも技術的に難しいのでしょうか?
Translated by
I have two following questions.
1.Will it be possible to use YouTube API and Adsense at the same time? What is the any of source for ?, even though I thought only one of them would be allowed to be operated.
2.Do you think it is difficult to add the function to show the video clip with putting keywords for all contents in YouTube? Is that because of the limit of use for API? Otherwise, you mean you have any issues because of technical reason?
Regarding 1, as I am non native in English, therefore I couldn't find any appropriate source over the net. I am sorry to trouble you but I would like you to reply about it, please.
1.Will it be possible to use YouTube API and Adsense at the same time? What is the any of source for ?, even though I thought only one of them would be allowed to be operated.
2.Do you think it is difficult to add the function to show the video clip with putting keywords for all contents in YouTube? Is that because of the limit of use for API? Otherwise, you mean you have any issues because of technical reason?
Regarding 1, as I am non native in English, therefore I couldn't find any appropriate source over the net. I am sorry to trouble you but I would like you to reply about it, please.
Result of Translation in Conyac
- Number of Characters of Requests:
- 240letters
- Translation Language
- Japanese → English
- Translation Fee
- $21.6
- Translation Time
- 7 minutes
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