一応、追跡番号が付いてありますので、ご自身でチェックしていただければ、だいたいいつ頃配達予定か分かりますので注意を払ってください。(追跡番号は後でお知らせいたします) SAL便扱いになりますので、お届けまで 2〜3週間かかりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
I got it. Then, I will deliver the item today with the method which doesn't request the sign.
However, the item will be in front of the entrance if they cannot put it in the post.
Please be careful for theft (I hear that there are a lot of thefts in USA.)
There is a tracking number in the item.
If you follow its tracking number, you can find the rough date when they deliver it (I will inform the tracking number later.)
They deal with it as SAL and it will take 2 - 3 weeks to deliver. Please note it in advance.