If you would like to place a Whole Sale or Bulk Order with us, send your email to wholesale@araca.com. Provide us the name and the quantity of items that you would like to purchase so this way we can make your purchase easier. Also if you would like to speak to one of our Whole Sale and Bulk Order representatives, then please contact them through Skype voicemail at the following number # 9145956035.
もし大口注文で卸値での購入をご希望の場合、wholesale@araca.comへメールをお送り下さい。お買い求めになりたい品名と数量を明記して下されば、こちらもスムーズに進められますのでお願いします。もし、卸売に関して当社の担当者と直接にお話になりたい場合には、スカイプのボイスメールを通じてコンタクトをお取り下さい。番号は以下となります。# 9145956035