- lunch. Only one room will be available for the whole buying session with lower number of seats than it was in the past. There will be 2 groups, one at 1.00 and one at 13.45 as in the past.
The service has changed: there is no buffet. You will be served an entrée and then a main course. In the middle of the Sala Brevetti there is an isle with a little buffet with dessert and fruit.
As the menù is fixed, please let me know if you have special needs due to medical issues.
Availability is limited, so I would appreciate if you could tell me how many people are in the showroom for each client.
サービスについて変更があります。ビュッフェではなく、エントリー後、メインコースになります。Sala Brevetti室には、小さなデザートとフルーツのビュッフェが御座います。