Our records show that order 158431098 has been despatched. You can track your order at https://tracking.directlink.com/multipletrack-client2.php?lang=en&postal_ref_mode=1&postal_ref_no=RE215270764SE, using tracking number RE215270764SE.
Our records show that order 158976692 has been delivered. You can track your order at http://www.dhl.co.uk/content/gb/en/express/tracking.shtml?AWB=JJD0002251548033978&brand=DHL, using tracking number 2329756553.
Please note if we are unable to deliver your order we will attempt to leave it with a neighbour. We would advise checking with your neighbours before getting back in touch.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards
https://tracking.directlink.com/multipletrack-client2.php?lang=en&postal_ref_mode=1&postal_ref_no=RE215270764SE, using tracking number RE215270764SE
http://www.dhl.co.uk/content/gb/en/express/tracking.shtml?AWB=JJD0002251548033978&brand=DHL, using tracking number 2329756553