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[Translation from Japanese to English ] How we collect and count: high(est) score between from 6:00 of the last monda...

This requests contains 239 characters and is related to the following tags: "Casual" . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( tenshi16 , jomjom ) and was completed in 1 hour 8 minutes .

Requested by genki at 09 Oct 2016 at 20:16 2247 views
Time left: Finished




動画も音楽もDL対応 神アプリ
豊富な種類 モザイク・ぼかし写真加工


Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 09 Oct 2016 at 21:24
How we collect and count: high(est) score between from 6:00 of the last monday to 5:99 of this week's monday

Point Award: awarded based on updates.
Please read Item Purchase Page.

Please activate SP by allowing this app to use Twitter through Twitter in Setting Page.

Cats bring you letters from all over the world.
DL compatible videos and music. God like App.
Variety of Photo editions: mosaic, phading etc.
Purupuru edition of pictures and videos,
Express your feeling by throwing a ball with tapping.
App to take photos of cats without awaking them.

We will tell you fun stories. Activate the notification!
genki likes this translation
Rating 47
Translation / English
- Posted at 09 Oct 2016 at 20:52
Method of totalisation: the highscore is form last week's Monday 6am until this week 5:95 am(Japan).

Points granting: the granting is done using a update coefficient factor.
Please confirm at the item's purchase screen.

Within twitters options( give authorization to this application) turn on the SP one.

Cats bring letters from every one in the world.
An interactive god application that downloads Audio and video
Plenty of many mosaics・photos gradation processing
Photos jiggle processing・jiggling video production.
With one tap you throw a ball and transmit your feelings.
Take a photo of your cat without waking it up.
I'll have a fun chat with you so turn on the notifications
genki likes this translation


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