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[Translation from Japanese to English ] "Knockdown Center" with plenty of space as large as 5,000 ft2, renovated from...

Original Texts
5,000スクエアフィートを誇る『Knockdown Center』。ガラス⼯場からガラスフレーム⼯場となり、2012年にアート・多⽬的スペースとしてリノベーションされた建物で、フレームを組み⽴てることをKnock-Downといったところからこのように名付けられました。建物は、今勢いのあるBushwickの外れにあり、敏感な若者達やアーティスト達が集まり始めています。エリアはクイーンズで、飽和状態になりつつあるブルックリンから少しずつ移動してきているアイコン的スペース。
毎週⽔曜⽇に$10でビールを飲みながら(好きなだけ!)2時間半プロのヌードモデルさんのドローイングができるプログラムDrink N' Draw。ビールを飲みながら、⾳楽がガンガンに流れた会場でドローイングができるという素敵な時間が過ごせます。誰でも好きな時に参加できるフレキシブルさも魅⼒!しかも協賛しているBrooklyn Breweryのおいしいビールが飲み放題!NYに住んでる⼈も、旅⾏中
の⼈も気軽に参加できます。 『Park Avenue Armory』はNYに来たらぜひ⾏ってもらいたいスペース。昔は⽶軍の軍事施設として使われていた建物で、中は巨⼤な体育館のようなスペース。とにかくでかい!あまりのスケール感に⼀瞬腰が引けてしまうほどです。ここではアートエキシビションをはじめ、ライブやダンスなども⾏われていて、この⼤きな空間をアーティストがどう料理するのか、毎回⾒物です。アメリカならではのスケール感を体感できます。世界各国の有名アーティストが挑むこの空間。
Translated by hhanyu7
"Knockdown Center" with plenty of space as large as 5,000 ft2, renovated from a glass factory to a glass frame factory in 2012, is a building used for art and multi-purpose projects. It is named after a process of assembling a flame, or a Knock-Down process. The building is located on the outskirts of vibrant Bushwick where the youth and artists sensible to art are starting to come. The activity area has gradually been moving to Queens, where the building is located, from Brooklyn coming close to saturation, making it an iconic space.
We have a program called Drink N' Draw on Wednesdays, which you can draw a professional undraped model for two and a half hours with beer of $10 (you can drink it as much as you like!). You can have a great time drawing in the venue filled with a continuous stream of music while drinking your beer. Its flexibility that anybody can participate in any time is appealing! Furthermore, you can drink delicious beer provided by a partner company, Brooklyn Brewery! Both people living in NY and people traveling in NY can casually attend.
"Park Avenue Armory" is a must-visit spot when you visit in NY. The building used to be U.S. military installations in the past, and has a large space like a huge gym. Anyway, it is humongous! You may be overwhelmed by a feeling of the massiveness. We have many activities, including art exhibitions, live music and a dance, and look forward to seeing every time how artists use such a huge space. You can experience a feeling of the massiveness unique to America. This is a challenging space for prominent artists from all over the world.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
hhanyu7 hhanyu7