『One Shot One Kill』
シングル「Stay Gold」、2015年のツアーで発表したケビンとフンのソロ曲、2月発売の12枚目のシングル「Kissing to feel」にキソプが作詞作曲した「Illusion」などの新曲をプラスした最新のU-KISSが詰まった内容。
"One Shot One Kill"
The album full of the latest U-KISS which is the fifth item in all going into the fifth anniversary of making a debut in Japan has been decided to release!
The contents are captured the latest U-KISS that the single "Stay Gold", Kevin & Hoon's solo released at the tour in 2015, the "Illusion" of the words and music by Kisopu in the 12th single "Kissing to feel" released in Feb.
Ballad to dance music, wide range of tracks with openings and endings that's sung by Kevin, Irai and Jun, containing 14 tracks.
DVD contains the movies of live from Fan Club Event in Dec.2015 and live movie from nicofarre version.
(FC Event Edition has Blu-ray media version)
In addition, this album will be supported in smapra Movie&Music.
*What's Sumapura?
Sumapura is a product which is available on smartphone to listen to and watch the music recorded on CDs and DVDs.