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[Translation from Japanese to English ] We are waiting for your "#ayu's winter best". ▪Further information AWA h...

Original Texts

『Winter diary ~A7 Classical~』のリリースを記念して、音楽配信サービス「AWA」が「#ayuの冬ベス」Twitterキャンペーンを開催!音楽配信アプリ「AWA」から冬に聴きたいayuの曲選んで、「#ayuの冬ベス」というハッシュタグをつけて、Twitterに投稿!参加者の中から抽選で5名様に、ayuの「非売品ポスター」をプレゼントします。
Translated by tortoise9315
"Tell us your favorite winter song among Ayu's songs! AWA share champaign!" just started, it is the campaign to vote for your favorite winter song among her songs at AWA.

To mark the release of 'Winter diary - A7 Classical - ', AWA, online music service, is doing the Twitter campaign of #ayu's winter best! Select one of your favorite winter Ayu's songs on 'AWA', online music app, add # and twitter '#ayu's winter best'. Five people will be rewarded Ayu's 'novelty' posters.
Translated by musickitty
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
26 minutes
tortoise9315 tortoise9315
I am a native Japanese speaker (born in Japan, moved to England seventeen yea...
musickitty musickitty
Starter (High)