Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to English ] ※ We are planning to send an item about September. ※ I'm afraid that you can...

This requests contains 481 characters . It has been translated 6 times by the following translators : ( yoppo1026 , micken , mimiko0320 , tourmaline , anna_claba ) and was completed in 0 hours 10 minutes .

Requested by nakagawasyota at 11 May 2015 at 11:05 1980 views
Time left: Finished

AAA VISAカード会場受付スタート!

AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 10th Anniversary –Attack All Around−全会場にて
今年もAAA VISAカード会場受付を実施致します!

また、既に「AAA VISAカード」をお持ちの方にも、ご友人を紹介いただきますと、上記ポストカードをプレゼント致します!

The application of AAA VISA card starts at the venue!

At all venues of AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 10th Anniversary -Attack All Around-,
The application of AAA VISA card will start this year too!

First 100 people who applied at each venue are given the "original post card"!
Also, if you already have "AAA VISA Card" and introduce your friend, you will be given the above-mentioned post card!



In addition, we will present the "autographed Cheki" of each member to seven people in those who applied during May 1 (Fri) - July 31 (Fri) by lottery!
By all means, please visit to the booth in the venue on this occasion!

- About the "Autographed cheki"


《AAA VISAカードの詳しい詳細はコチラ》

*It is going to be sent in early September.
*Please note beforehand that you cannot choose the menber.
*Only winners will be notified by sending the prizes.

<<Click here for AAA VISA card details>>


Additional info


Try “Standard Translation” for specialized translation such as business purpose.

  • We can receive files such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • There is no maximum word limit, and we deliver translations fast.
  • Higher-skilled translators will work on your request.

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