Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] It has been published that spesial show events will be held of full CG animat...

Original Texts
フルCG劇場アニメ『鉄拳BLOOD VENGEANCE』の米国での特別上映イベント開催が発表された。日本では9/3公開、/26に全米375館以上で上映する最新トレーラー映像公開。〇〇ではイベントも企画するので、イベントを立てたら紹介するね!
Translated by ayumijap
It has been published that spesial show events will be held of full CG animated film "鉄拳BLOOD VENGEANCE" in U.S.The new trailer will open at over 375 movie theater in all America at september 26,in japan at september 3.
〇〇 will the event planning,so I'll let you know as soon as planning the event!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
ayumijap ayumijap