PULLMAN, WASHINGTON – The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations are a major topic in Japan, but few Americans even know about it or understand it. Those who do know about it, mainly in the business world, are quite leery of it. The TPP is not a priority for the Obama administration or Congress, both of which, like Japan, are absorbed with jobs and security. That is one reason very little attention was given to it in discussions between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during their recent summit. Strident calls for protection within the United States is a big reason for the Obama administration backing off from the “no exceptions to completely free trade” rule.
TPPはオバマ政権下、会議では優先されるものではなく日本のように仕事と安全に浸されている。これが原因で最近のサミットで大統領バラクオバマと総理大臣 安倍晋三の間にこの話題があまり取り上げられなかった理由のひとつである。