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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Alibaba’s AutoNavi Refocuses from Location-based Taobao to Business Solutions...

Original Texts
Alibaba’s AutoNavi Refocuses from Location-based Taobao to Business Solutions

AutoNavi, the Chinese mapping company Alibaba has fully acquired, has decided to put aside the idea of building a Taobao marketplace based on maps and refocus on business-facing solutions. Yu Yongfu, the new lead of Alibaba’s LBS division, said at a recent event that AutoNavi had shifted focus to technical solution development from user-facing applications.

At Alibaba’s annual developer conference last month, AutoNavi unveiled Smart LBS, an initiative to enable mobile apps to embed Amap and other location-based features (Amap is the digital map product of AutoNavi.). An HTML5 geolocation API has been released for third-party apps to customize the embedded map, like adding markers, directions or location-based search (See below). It aims at web-based applications built on top of WeChat Public Account system or Alipay’s Service Window platform. AutoNavi doesn’t want to miss out on opportunities in the smart hardware movement. It has released an SDK so that hardware products will be able to provide positioning, maps, navigation, or location-based search service. The kid tracking bracelet by Qihoo 360 and Ghost drone have adopted the solution.

All the offerings are free of charge. Mr. Yu said at the aforementioned event that they’d not monetize these solutions within three years.

Tenent has acquired a stake in NavInfo.
Translated by mars16

Alibabaが全株を取得したAutoNaviという中国のマップ企業は、地図をベースとするTaobaoマーケットプレイスを構築するというアイデアを脇に置いて、企業向けのソリューションに再フォーカスすることに決めた。AlibabaのLBS部門を新たに率いることになったYu Yongfu氏は最近のイベントにて、AutoNaviがユーザ向けのアプリケーションから技術的なソリューション開発にシフトしたと語った。

先月開かれたAlibabaの年次デベロッパ会議にてAutoNaviは、Smart LBSというモバイルアプリにAmapやその他のロケーションをベースとする機能を組み込むことのできる取り組みを明らかにした (AmapはAutoNaviのデジタル地図製品)。
AutoNaviは、スマートハードウェアの動きの中にある機会を逸したくないのだ。同社は、ハードウェア製品がポジショニング、マップ、ナビゲーション、ロケーションをベースとする検索サービスを提供できるよう、SDKをリリースした。Qihoo 360による子ども追跡ブレスレットやGhostドローンは、このソリューションを採用している。



Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 11 hours
mars16 mars16