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[Translation from Japanese to English ] In Lake Biwa where natural hot spring water flows constantly under the influe...

Original Texts




Translated by ryojiyono
In Lake Biwa where natural hot spring water flows constantly under the influence of the volcano, still today common reed continues to breed and wintering, we investigated the relationship between water temperature, air temperature and survival of common reed in winter.

The hot water springs in Lake Biwa in the winter period was 8 ℃

It has been kept 6 ℃ at minimum of water temperature when minimum air temperature was 0 ℃, and it is the reason why common reed could be wintering here

It is believed that common reed of tropical origin can be wintering with hot spring water or hot discharge water because the minimum water temperature is kept at 7℃ in the winter.

Reed requires water temperature at least 6 ℃ in winter to be wintering. And, if there is hot spring water or hot discharge water, it meets the requirement.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
ryojiyono ryojiyono
Starter (High)
英検1級。 TOEFL623。 TOEIC 975。